Monument record WRE 039 - World War Two pillbox and possible 'Nodal point' in defences

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A World War Two pillbox variant, sometimes termed a 'Suffolk Square' is visible on aerial photographs on land to the north of Mill Lane, Wrentham, within a possible compound, similar to those identified to the north and south (SHER WRE 040 and WRE 049). It is possible that this site represents a 'Nodal point' in the World War Two defences.


Grid reference Centred TM 5043 8284 (54m by 125m)
Map sheet TM58SW


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

May 2014. Lothingland, Lowestoft and North Suffolk Coast and Heaths National Mapping Programme.
A World War Two pillbox variant, sometimes termed a 'Suffolk Square' is visible on aerial photographs (S1) on land to the north of Mill Lane, Wrentham.
It had been previously recorded as part of the Defence of Britain Project with NMR number TM 58 SW 54, SHER number WRE 023, as a pillbox variant, sometimes termed a 'Suffolk Square'. There are two embrasures in each side except the rear, which has a large blast wall. The site faces to the SE.
The pillbox appears to be visible within a possible barbed wire compound on photographs from 1941 (S2), similar to other possible areas of practice trenches or other military compounds in the area (SHER WRE 040 and WRE 049). It is possible that this site represents a 'Nodal point' in the World War Two defences (S4), as described at Wrentham.
E. Ford (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 13th May 2014.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <S1> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical Aerial Photograph. OS/70307 V 019-020 05-SEP-1970 (EHA).
  • <S2> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical Aerial Photograph. RAF/2BC/BR173 VF 1-2 17-JUN-1941 (EHA).
  • <S3> Digital archive: Defence of Britain Project archive.
  • <S4> Bibliographic reference: Liddiard, R. and Sims, D.. 2014. A Guide to Second World War Archaeology in Suffolk. Guide 4: Stop Lines. 4.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Nov 13 2014 11:10AM

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