Monument record GSE 025 - Brick and Pipeworks

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Brickworks operated by Gisleham Brickworks 1933-1950; Gisleham Brick & Pipe Works Ltd 1950-1967.


Grid reference Centred TM 5244 8826 (353m by 342m)
Map sheet TM58NW


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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Brickworks operated by Gisleham Brickworks 1933-1950; Gisleham Brick & Pipe Works Ltd 1950-1967. Hand-made bricks for fireplaces 1985? - ? (S1).
Brickworks started in 1934 in competition with GSE 026. Four Scotch kilns built in 1934. Replaced by three down draught kilns, which remain on site in 1950 to 1952. After 1950 production concentrated on land drainage pipes. In brickworks last years Banhams of Hoxne ran the works, producing drainage pipes, but the venture was not a success and the works were closed in 1984. Most of the mobile machinery etc. probably sold in sale after closure (S2), though note hand-made bricks made in 1985 (above).
Kilns do not appear to be affected by 1994 planning application (S2)(S3).
Kilns (3) and 2 chimney stacks Listed.

July 2014. Lothingland, Lowestoft and North Suffolk Coast and Heaths National Mapping Programme.
The brickworks described above are clearly visible on aerial photographs (S4), but have not been mapped since they are still extant/depicted on historic maps.
E. Ford (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 24th June 2014.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <S1> (No record type): SIAS, Newsletter 22, Supplement, June 1988.
  • <M1> Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. Parish file: (S2).
  • <S2> (No record type): Pankhurst C, Suff Indust Archaeol Soc, letter to SAU (CP), February 1994.
  • <S3> (No record type): Waveney DC, Planning Applicatin W/4176/13, February 1994.
  • <S4> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical Aerial Photograph. RAF/58/1674 F21 0277-0278 04-MAR-1955 (EHA).

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Record last edited

Jul 24 2014 10:57AM

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