Monument record SLY 132 - A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackways to the north of Alderton's Grove, Shotley

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A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackways to the north of Alderton's Grove, Shotley


Grid reference Centred TM 22954 35727 (396m by 192m)
Map sheet TM23NW


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackways are visible as cropmarks of ditches on aerial photographs, centred on TM 22973575 in a field to the north of Alderton's Grove in Shotley parish. The cropmarks consist of three possible ditched trackways, the possible remnants of a rectilinear field system and an unusual 'D' shaped enclosure. The first trackway is visible for 119m, running on a rough north-south alignment from TM 22843574 to TM 22813563. Although the trackway is not directly related to any of the other features it does appear to be following the same alignment as the rectilinear field system. The second trackway runs discontinuously for 155m from TM 22763579 to TM 22913574. It is located to the north of the first trackway and is aligned roughly east-west. It does not appear to be on the same alignment as the field system. Another possible stretch of trackway, around 30m in length is also visible centred on TM 22843564. A rectilinear field system is visible to the east of these trackways, which appears to be made up of rectilinear enclosures of varying size, of which the most complete is centred on TM 22963572 and measures 45m by 30m. To the north of this enclosure an irregular shaped pit is visible, measuring roughly 14m by 8m, centred on TM 22973575. The function of this feature is unclear but it does appear to be adjacent to the line of the Post Medieval field boundary. To the north-east of the pit feature a 'D' shaped enclosure is visible, centred on TM 22993577. The enclosure appears to have a pit in its north-west corner and it is not clear whether this enclosure is related to the rectilinear field system. It is possible that the trackways and enclosures have a Later Prehistoric or Roman date. (S1-S3)

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <S1> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2335/3 (956/366) 07-JUN-1976.
  • <S2> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2335/8 (1657/400) 12-JUL-1979.
  • <S3> Photograph: Norfolk Landscape Archaeology. Norfolk Landscape Archaeology Air Photography. NMR TM 2335/10 (NLA 5894/08) 14-JUL-1989.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Apr 24 2018 1:51PM

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