Context |
Record |
Monument Type |
MSF10226 ? Half rectilinear enclosure E of road, ? rest to W, circa 70m N-S. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14819 "Field F638 and F639" Waldringfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16094 `Old Warren House' (PMed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33940 11th Century to 16th Century field system and enclosure at Chapel Cottages (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20446 A corner of a possible rectilinear enclosure of unknown date and function, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22535 A ditched trackway of possible later prehistoric date and an extensive field system of probable medieval or post-medieval date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19888 A large bank of unknown date and function and a possible small earthwork enclosure, Trimley St Martin (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22761 A number of irregularly shaped possibly ditched enclosures, boundaries and a possible track of unknown date and function, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19879 A possible building platform of unknown date located south of Loompit Grove, Trimley St Martin (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19867 A possible earthwork enclosure of unknown date and function to the west of Keeper's Lodge, Trimley St Mary (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10762 A possible Iron Age or Roman enclosure is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs to the south of Alton Hall Farm, Holbrook (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4820 A possible Iron Age or Roman field system is visible on aerial photographs in Woolverstone Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8489 A possible Iron Age or Roman settlement site and field system or trackways in the field to the north of Hill House Farm, Shotley (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22753 A possible large rectilinear ditched enclosure of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8094 A possible Late Neolithic or Bronze Age circular enclosure or round barrow south of the railway near Walk Farm, now located in Stratton… (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2797 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman enclosure and undated field boundaries, Ramsholt parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19928 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackways to the north of Alderton's Grove, Shotley (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19940 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and trackways visible as cropmarks in fields to the north of Church End, Shotley (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3573 A possible Prehistoric or Roman field system, west of Ferry Farm, Sutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22763 A possible rectilinear ditched enclosure of unknown date and function. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22463 A possible ring ditch or small sub-rectangular enclosure is visible as a cropmark within the probable late prehistoric field system TYN 010, circa 50… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22754 A possible small ditch-defined rectilinear enclosure and adjacent pit-defined enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20240 A Prehistoric rectilinear ditched enclosure. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20241 A Prehistoruc rectilinear ditched enclosure. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20456 A probable ditched field system and rectilinear enclosures are visible on aerial photographs suggested to be of Sutton parish to the west of Bromeswe… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3659 A probable Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field system and associated trackways in Stratton Hall and Levington parishes. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22508 A rectilinear ditched enclosure of unknown date is visible as a cropmark on the Rushmere Heath golf course, Rushmere St Andrew parish. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4285 A rectilinear ditched field system of unknown date is visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, to the south of the woodland called The Rookery, Tr… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8587 A rectilinear enclosure of unknown date near Old Hall Hill, Shotley (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF38383 A series of banks, ditches and enclosures relating to medieval settlement remains (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15190 Aerial photograph of W end of multiple ditched enclosure(?) with two rectilinear ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8470 An extensive Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field system and possible settlement site, Shotley parish (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF159 Area of Medieval banks and ditches probably relating to medieval settlement (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3155 Boundary Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31297 Chilton Leys, Stowmarket, Phase 1, Phase 2 and 3. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4330 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27237 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27243 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16490 Complex of cropmarks of series of field boundaries and trackways. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27326 Cropmark complex with enclosures, trackway, field boundaries and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1927 Cropmark enclosure and associated features of uncertain date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45691 Cropmark of a possible late prehistoric rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27476 Cropmark of a possible settlment site and rectilinear field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27197 Cropmark of a section of a rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4695 Cropmark of a subrectangular enclosure and possible trackway of unknown date, see details. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34491 Cropmark of medieval enclosures, trackways, boundaries and possible sunken features and/or buildings (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34489 Cropmark of settlement enclosures of uncertain date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34488 Cropmarks and earthworks of probable medieval date settlement and/or enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27351 Cropmarks and soilmarks of rectilinear enclosures, field boundaries and trackways of possible Roman to Post Medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27450 Cropmarks and soilmarks of rectilinear enclosures, field boundaries and trackways of uncertain date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8231 Cropmarks for linear ditches, enclosures and trackway, Stutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27333 Cropmarks of a field system and a rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27463 Cropmarks of a field system and associated trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15223 Cropmarks of a field system and settlement of probable prehistoric or Roman date, Ramsholt parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3650 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway of probable later prehistoric and/or Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27455 Cropmarks of a large rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27319 Cropmarks of a large rectilinear enclosure, field system, trackway and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3477 Cropmarks of a major system of enclosures, trackways and boundary ditches of possible Roman or medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27240 Cropmarks of a partial possible enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31631 Cropmarks of a polygonal and/or rectilinear enclosure of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37386 Cropmarks of a polygonal enclosure, associated tracks and boundaries of possible prehistoric and/or Late Iron Age date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27473 Cropmarks of a recilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27309 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27339 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure, an irregular enclosure, and a series of ditches and field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27223 Cropmarks of a ring ditch, enclosures, and ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27213 Cropmarks of a sub-circular ring-ditch (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27191 Cropmarks of an elongated enlosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22116 Cropmarks of an enclosed settlement of probable Roman, or Iron Age to Roman, date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34703 Cropmarks of an enclosure and/or farmstead of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27267 Cropmarks of an incomplete possible enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27357 Cropmarks of an incomplete rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27454 Cropmarks of an incomplete rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27483 Cropmarks of an incomplete rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27622 Cropmarks of an undated square or rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34712 Cropmarks of boundary ditches and fields of possible Iron Age to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16492 Cropmarks of curving trackway from road junction north-west of Radar Station, abutted by a small rectilinear enclosure. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34705 Cropmarks of enclosures and boundary ditches of later prehistoric to Roman date or medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27796 Cropmarks of enclosures and fields of possible Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27324 Cropmarks of enclosures, possible trackway and linear features (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27384 Cropmarks of field boundaries, a rectilinear enclosure, and possible trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33481 Cropmarks of fragmentary and multi-phase fields and enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27275 Cropmarks of later prehistoric or Roman field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27370 Cropmarks of multi-phase field system, enclosures and trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2778 Cropmarks of multiphase enclosures, fields and boundaries of potential later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35129 Cropmarks of possible ditches of uncertain date and significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35130 Cropmarks of possible ditches of uncertain date and significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27371 Cropmarks of possible enclosure of uncertain date and significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27673 Cropmarks of possible Iron Age to Roman or medieval date fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27593 Cropmarks of possible later prehistoric or Roman enclosures and boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33482 Cropmarks of possible medieval common-edge stock enclosures and/or drainage features (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27672 Cropmarks of possible medieval to post medieval enclosures and/or fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27319 Cropmarks of possible prehistoric enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34708 Cropmarks of possible rectilinear enclosures and/or fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18942 Cropmarks of possible straight-sided enclosure, open to North-West. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34733 Cropmarks of settlement enclosures of uncertain date separated out of ADT 001 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3479 Cropmarks of small rectilinear enclosure or building (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2760 Cropmarks of two phases of trackways, enclosures and fields of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34546 Cropmarks of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37373 Cropmarks relating to Iron Age and Roman enclosures, field boundaries and trackways excavated under ELV 085, ELV 086 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11529 Dawson's Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11531 Dawson's Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22566 Ditched field system and associated tracks and enclosures, visible as extensive but fragmentary cropmarks, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22548 Ditched trackways, field boundaries and enclosures, dating probably from the later Prehistoric period, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8557 E of Freston Lodge (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27799 Earthwork enclosures of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27797 Earthworks and cropmarks associated with Mutford Church and Common (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37201 Earthworks and vegetation marks of enclosures, boundaries and platforms of potential Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34497 Earthworks of an enclosure and medieval to post medieval wood bank and boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF42647 Earthworks of enclosures and historic ponds, S of White House Farm, Heveningham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF42517 Earthworks of numerous small ditched enclosures, S of Warrens Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37211 Earthworks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34507 Earthworks within Staverton Park woodland (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37205 Earthworks, soilmarks and cropmarks of possible settlement from the Roman, Saxon and medieval periods (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37206 Earthworks, soilmarks and cropmarks of the Middle Saxon settlement site and medieval enclosure at Staunch Meadow (BRD 018) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19537 Enclosures and linear features of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17480 Enclosures of unkown date and function, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27323 Extensive area of coaxial and rectilinear field systems, trackways and enclosures of unknown, but feasibly Roman date (and BACKLOG) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45746 Faint cropmark of a possible Late Prehistoric rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20352 Field boundaries and trackways of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3451 Field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF36421 Former Sugar Beet Factory, Sproughton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18943 Fragment of a rectilinear enclosure complex of uknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34651 Fragmentary and dispersed multi-period cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31585 Fragmentary cropmarks of possible late prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15177 Hill Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9812 Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19680 Hogg Earthworks; Sutton Hoo (PMed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15209 Holmhill; Felixstowe marshes (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF20323 Holywell Drove, Beck Row (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45730 Indestinct cropmarks of a possible late prehistoric rectilinear enclosure (Poorly Located Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24585 Intensive Romano-British rural landscape at Former Smoke House Inn (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31493 Iron Age and Roman occupation site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22528 Iron Age ditched defined trackway, ditched enclosure, rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22530 Iron Age ring ditch and rectilinear ditched enclosure. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22735 Iron-Age rectilinear ditched enclosure containing a small ring ditch, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4309 Irregularly shaped ditched enclosure and possible associated field system of unknown date, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27152 Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Fields 40, Iron Age Settlement (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34742 Large and multi-phase area of field system, trackways and enclosures of possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF42932 Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age field system, Land off Chapel Lane, (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29484 Late Prehistoric and Romano-British agricultural activity at Galloper offshore Wind Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22593 Linear cropmarks, possibly the remains of Medieval field boundaries and a track or road. (Med) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11859 Mallets Field (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22729 Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7441 Medieval moat. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15218 Medieval or Post Medieval field boundaries or drains, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22468 Medieval or Post Medieval field boundaries, enclosures and trackways. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14748 Methersgate (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14750 Methersgate (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31306 Mill Lane, Creeting St Peter (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21588 Multi-period cropmarks of probable field boundaries and enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27289 Multiphase cropmarks of enclosures, fields and trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27363 Multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37018 Numerous small rectilinear enclosures, perhaps post medieval to modern in date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF282 OS Field Number 7000 (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37260 Part of a possible rectilinear enclosure of unknown but perhaps post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37287 Part of rectilinear enclosure of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21947 Peacocks Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8485 Perity (field name) (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34943 Phase A Land to the east of Kings Warren, Red Lodge (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22724 Possible boundaries, pits and enclosures of unknown date, but potentially including features from the Bronze Age to the medieval period. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11222 Possible field boundaries and a rectilinear enclosure of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17483 Possible field boundaries and enclosures of unknown date, visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20426 Possible field boundaries or enclosures of unknown date are visible as cropmarks to the north-east of Stutton Hall, Stutton parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4832 Possible field system and trackway of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22627 Possible field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37261 Possible former quarry, perhaps post medieval, and small rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15880 Possible irregular rectilinear enclosure of unkown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14751 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system, Sutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4823 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field systems, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20102 Possible linear ditches and an enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45702 Possible medieval or post medieval enclosures and field boundary ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33645 Possible medieval to post medieval enclosures and/or boundary ditches (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3572 Possible Post Medieval house sites to the north of Ferry Farm, Sutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3655 Possible Prehistoric or Roman double-ditched rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15225 Possible Prehistoric or Roman enclosures, Ramsholt parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11586 Possible rectilinear enclosure and other features of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37267 Possible rectilinear enclosure of unknown but perhaps post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37439 Possible rectilinear enclosure, perhaps of post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1314 Possible rectilinear enclosures and linear features, visible as cropmarks, probably a field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37380 Possible Roman or medieval to post medieval boundaries and fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19935 Possible Roman road, roadside enclosure, pit alignment, field boundaries and enclosures of uncertain date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37437 Possible small rectilinear enclosure, perhaps post medieval and related to warrening (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19335 Possible sub rectangular ditched enclosure and linear features, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF41274 Possible undated Enclosures and possible field system at Mildenhall Hub, West Row Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18908 Possibly two or more rectilinear enclosures, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks with associated pits. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16986 Post medieval boundary bank and rectilinear plantation (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16295 Post medieval enclosure within Elveden Warren (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4788 Post Medieval field boundaries and trackways, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16988 Post medieval rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20442 Post Medieval rectilinear enclosure, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14972 Post medieval to modern enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16616 Post medieval to modern possible stock enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45668 Post Medieval tree plantations are visible as cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19423 Post-medieval (possibly medieval) field boundaries, an enclosure and a trackway visible as cropmarks in the southern part of Walberswick on aerial ph… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2754 Prehistoric or Roman cropmark settlement site consisting of enclosures and trackways. (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF13997 Prehistoric or Roman field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31390 Prehistoric to Saxon Occupation at Land off Lime Avenue, Oulton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8577 Prehistoric/Roman rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19567 Probable field systems and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10782 Probable Iron Age or Roman settlement, north-east of Sutton Hall, Sutton parish. (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3626 Probable Iron-Age and Roman settlement and field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27801 Probable Medieval platform and enclosures adjacent Mutford Common (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3627 Probable Prehistoric or Roman field systems and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20427 Probable rectilinear enclosure and associated linear boundaries of unknown date and function, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18909 Probable rectilinear enclosures, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1811 Rectilinear cropmark system and ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6441 Rectilinear cropmark system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3460 Rectilinear ditched enclosure and another possible, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19550 Rectilinear ditched enclosure and linear ditched features of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15220 Rectilinear ditched enclosure and possible ditched track of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3459 Rectilinear ditched enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18800 Rectilinear enclosure and associated bank, of unknown date, visible as earthworks southwest of Decoy Fram. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20410 Rectilinear enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3464 Rectilinear enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8463 Rectilinear enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF13609 Rectilinear enclosure with a suggestion of an internal ring ditch in the south end of unknown date, visible as soilmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12203 Rectilinear enclosure with entrance facing the north east, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3545 Rectilinear enclosure with rounded corners of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4701 Rectilinear enclosure, no further details. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF42583 Rectilinear Enclosure, probable Moat, W of Haugley Junction (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33619 Rectilinear enclosures and trackways of possible Iron Age to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4482 Rectilinear enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF45771 Rectilinear field boundaries and enclosures visible as cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3713 Rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20388 Remnants of a possible Later Prehistoric or Roman landscape. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20403 Remnants of a possible Prehistoric or Roman field system, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20387 Remnants of Post Medieval field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20389 Remnants of the probable Post Medieval landscape. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF46621 Roman occupation site. east of Dalham Hall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18951 Roman rectilinear enclosure complex, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14955 Roman Way (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3438 Roughly square enclosure with circa 20m sides, appears to have a small mark just to the W of centre. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2751 Scheduled cropmark settlement site of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19542 SE half of a playing card shaped enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26321 Second World War spigot mortar emplacement (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22524 Section of a Iron Age ditched field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21998 Series of rectilinear cropmarks close to 'The Old Rectory', possible enclosure or field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3281 Settlement Site around St Botolph's Church (IA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33427 Site of double-ditched enclosure and probably associated boundary ditches and trackways of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27638 Site of enclosures, fields and trackways of potential Roman to medieval-post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27639 Site of fields of predominantly medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27786 Site of medieval to post medieval features associated with Carlton Hall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31847 Site of multi-phase cropmarks, possibly including settlement of Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27584 Site of multiphase fragmentary enclosures, field boundaries and trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32022 Site of one or more undated enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16521 Site of platforms and enclosures of possible medieval to post medieval date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34711 Site of possible earthworks and vegetation marks of uncertain archaeological date and significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27784 Site of possible field boundarys and trackways (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31898 Site of possible settlement cropmarks, perhaps of medieval to post medieval date (Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF31765 Site of possible undated enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32042 Site of possible undated enclosure on Church Walks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27228 Site of probable rectilinear enclosure of unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34743 Site of undated, possibly prehistoric and/or Roman period field system, and possible enclosures and roundhouse. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22512 Small Post Medieval ditched square enclosure, probably defining the limits of a small plantation or wood. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14655 Small rectilinear enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18849 Small rectilinear enclosure, of unknown date, possibly a stock enclosure or moated site. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8325 Small sub-square enclosure of unknown date and function. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37280 Small, square enclosure, probably post medieval and related to warrening (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8298 South West Rence Park Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37279 Square enclosure, probably post medieval and related to warrening (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17097 Sub square or rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4102 Subrectangular enclosure, seen on air photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11887 Sutton Hoo (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22579 The corner of a possible rectilinear enclosure or field of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27361 The cropmarks of enclosures or fields of unknown, but possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8129 The Old Salt Works (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3283 Thistleton Hall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11952 Thorpes Hill (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18695 Three probable woodbanks of unknown date, visible as earthworks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3472 Trackway running NE - SW; probable rectilinear enclosure, incomplete arms visible S of modern road and two incomplete N of modern road, there is no … (Monument) |
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MSF12293 Trackways, rectilinear enclosures and field boundaries of unknown date, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3448 TraField system with possible trackways and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
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MSF15725 Trapezoid enclosure aligned with avenue/ roadway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19881 Two possible World War II military sites south of Sleighton Hill, Trimley St Martin (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37383 Undated earthworks on Lakenheath warren (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27273 Undated enclosures (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12375 Undated rectilinear ditched enclosures, Ramsholt parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37023 Undated, possibly post medieval, banks and possible enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19446 Various features and ecnlosures of unknown dat, visible as cropmarks, also ridge and furrow earthworks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF20473 Very faint cropmark of rectilinear enclosure. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8310 West of Rence Park Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19880 World War II military features of unknown function to the south of Sleighton Hill, Trimley St Martin (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF13216 Yarn Hill (Un) (Monument) |