Monument record DAR 035 - 11th Century to 16th Century field system and enclosure at Chapel Cottages

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11th Century to 16th Century field system and enclosure identified during evaluation trenching at Chapel Cottages.


Grid reference Centred TM 4147 7007 (224m by 120m)
Map sheet TM47SW


Type and Period (22)

Full Description

2015: An archaeological evaluation revealed a series of linear features and ditches that appear to represent two separate phases dating to the 11th to the 12th century and the 12th to the 14th century. These features represent small strip fields. A series of larger ditches dated between the 14th to 16th century was also observed and appear to relate to a larger ditched enclosure. The development of this site may reflect changing arable practices. A possible prehistoric ring ditch was also identified, although the presence of the environmental evidence suggests that the feature is more likely to be dated to the medieval period (S1).

2018: The excavation encountered an enclosed medieval landscape, characterised by numerous liner ditched boundaries, the majority of which mirrored the alignments of existing roads. Two phases of medieval enclosure were interpreted, constituting eight enclosures in total; a short length of trackway was also recorded, while an area of possible strip fields was identified within the north-western area of the site. Activity within and around the medieval enclosures was represent by pit/posthole clusters, some of which may be associated with focussed episodes of domestic refuse disposal. A possible fenceline was recorded in the north of the site, while further structureal remains comprised beam-slots and a simple posthole structure, possible a small animal pen. Assitional pens or similar were represented by a gridded system of ditches in the south-west of the site. Finds and environmental evidence indicates a locally mixed agricultural economy based on the cultivation and use of cereals, primarily free-threshing type wheat, and animal husbandry. The animal bone assemblage is dominated by cattle with lesser numbers of sheep/goat and pig (S2)

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Green, M.. 2015. Land to the Rear of Chapel Cottages, Fox Lane, Darsham, Suffolk: Archaeological Evaluation Report.
  • <S2> Unpublished document: Mustchin, A.. 2018. Research Archive Report: Land to the rear of 1-2 Chapel Cottaged, Darsham.

Finds (25)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Mar 6 2019 3:31PM

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