Monument record HRK 001 - South West Rence Park Farm

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A probable Later Prehistoric or Roman field system and associated trackways are visible on aerial photographs in fields to the west of Rence Park Farm, Harkstead


Grid reference Centred TM 205 352 (730m by 800m) Centred on
Map sheet TM23NW


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

Complex field system, with several short lengths of trackway. There is a N-S axis intersected by field boundaries running approximately E-W, and at the S end of this complex linear features become quite dense. One small square field and part of another can be traced. A number of ice-wedge features add to the complexity of this field system (S1-S6)).
Northern area also recorded as HRK 005 (sf8310).
A probable Later Prehistoric or Roman ditch-defined field system and associated ditch-defined trackways are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, centred on TM 20663509 in fields to the west of Rence Park Farm in Harkstead parish. At the southern end of the site a D-shaped enclosure, or combination of enclosures, is visible defined, particularly at the western end, by a substantial ditch. There is large gap in the enclosure ditch on the northern side which may represent an entrance. Linear ditches divide the interior of the enclosure with one such feature running directly through the possible enclosure entrance. Some of these linear features may be natural. Running around the western side of the D-shaped enclosure and up through the site from TM 20623485 to TM 20643537 is a large ditched trackway or boundary feature which appears to have varied slightly in its course over time. Aligned on and associated with this trackway are the remains of a rectilinear field system, the most clearly defined enclosure measuring roughly 70m by 70m. Other linear ditches and trackways on a similar alignment are visible extending to the west and north, such as the stretch of trackway at TM 20443545. The relationship between the trackway, D-shaped enclosure and rectilinear enclosure at TM 20643496 might suggest that at least two phases of activity are visible with the rectilinear enclosures respecting the earlier D-shaped enclosure but this is impossible to confirm from aerial photography alone. (S1- S10)
NB HRK 005 appears to record the same site. See HRK 064 for the nearby ring ditch. (S11)

Sources/Archives (12)

  • <S1> Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP (ASK40) 03-JUL-1967.
  • <M1> Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. APs: CUCAP ASK 40, 42; NMR 1/312, 1/314; SAU AGL 09-10.
  • <S2> Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP (ASK42) 03-JUL-1967.
  • <S3> Photograph: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2035/4 (SFU GL9) 03-AUG-1977.
  • <S4> Photograph: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2035/5 (SFU GL10) 03-AUG-1977.
  • <S5> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2035/1 (826/312) 07-JUL-1975 1/314.
  • <S6> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2035/1 (826/314) 07-JUL-1975 1/314.
  • <S7> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2034/6 (1657/341) 12-JUL-1979.
  • <S8> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2034/23 (1832/366) 31-JUL-1980.
  • <S9> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2034/7 (1832/358) 31-JUL-1980.
  • <S10> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2035/31 (1933/16) 30-JUL-1980.
  • <S11> Verbal communication: Newsome, S.. 2001 -. Suffolk Coastal NMP Project. Sarah Newsome 08/12/03.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Oct 21 2004 4:59PM

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