Monument record SUE 063 - WWII Strongpoint including Diver Battery S12

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A World War II strongpoint, possible tank training area and Heavy Anti-aircraft battery next to High House Farm in Sudbourne parish


Grid reference Centred TM 43452 52751 (875m by 665m)
Map sheet TM45SW


Type and Period (8)

Full Description

A range of World War II structures and earthworks are visible on aerial photographs from 1943 onwards in the area of High House Farm, Sudbourne parish, centred on circa TM43325283 (S1). The features visible in 1943, centred on circa TM43355296 and consisted of approximately 10 square concrete structures and at least one earthwork emplacement connected by complex lengths of zig-zag slit trench, all surrounded by lengths of barbed wire. A hardened obstruction about 215m long, possibly of concrete, is also associated with the trench system to the west. To the south a small strongpoint composed of a short slit trench or weapons pit surrounded by a barbed wire obstruction is visible at circa TM43065251. These features were probably associated with a 'Battle Area' that began operating in this area from 1942 (S3). This was a practical training area that was intended to prepare military personnel for combat situations through the use of live ammunition fired from gun sites, armoured vehicles and even aircraft. The villages of Sudbourne and Iken were evacuated with Sudbourne Hall acting as Officer's Mess for the Tank Corp and Light Highland Infantry. By 1945 the military activity in the area has increased, with the construction of a Heavy Anti-aircraft Artillery battery and associated structures at circa TM435529, the construction of a circa 50 x 20m earthwork feature at TM43085295 that appears to be associated with the tank training area, and the establishment of two possible Light Anti-aircraft machine gun emplacements at circa TM431524 (S2). A number of lengths of slit trench and additional bomb craters are visible to the east of the area, and the smaller strongpoint has been removed by 1945. Four probable bomb craters of circa 11m diameter can also be seen to the east of the area, from about TM43575288 to TM43595296.
Site of a Second World War heavy anti aircraft (Diver) battery in the Diver Strip at Valley Farm. It was armed with four 3.7-inch Mark IIc guns equipped with Predictor BTL, and Radar AA No.3 Mark V when it was deployed here on 10th October 1944, and was manned by 422 Battery of the Independent Anti Artillery Regiment. This was replaced by 422 battery of 127 Anti Aircraft Artillery Regiment from 24th November 1944. It formed part of 5 Heavy Anti Aircraft Brigade deployment (S4).

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <S1> Photograph: USAAF. USAAF Air Photograph. US/7PH/GP/LOC132 5044-5 30-DEC-1943.
  • <S2> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/832 4166-7 23-SEP-1945.
  • <S3> Bibliographic reference: Gordon Kinsey. 1981. Orfordness - Secret Site, A History of the Establishment 1915-1980. Kinsey, G. 1981..
  • <S4> Index: English Heritage. Pastscape.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Nov 9 2013 10:21AM

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