Source/Archive record SSF2957 - Burroughes G, February 1985

Title Burroughes G, February 1985
Date/Year 1985



Burroughes G, February 1985


Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Budd's Close, Chediston, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Dakin's Drift (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic hooked flint knife with kine flaking on the hook. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Grange Farm, Chediston. (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Halesworth, General, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Casual Observation, Halesworth
  • Unsystematic Fieldwalking Survey? Budd's Close, Chediston, (Mesolithic)

Record last edited

Feb 28 2020 12:50PM

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