Source/Archive record SSF50103 - Norwich Castle Museum (NWHCM)

Title Norwich Castle Museum (NWHCM)




Referenced Monuments (24)

  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter, including a buckle, shield and harness (PAS find)
  • Benacre Ness beach (Find Spot)
  • Ellingham/Benstead Marshes (Monument)
  • Fen Lane (Monument)
  • Fen Lane (Monument)
  • Ferdinand and Isabella coin (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of 3 Roman coins, two pierced coins, possibly Saxon (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of an Iron Age cast bronze coin of the Cantii tribe (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval or Post Medieval jetton (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze 'ring pin' of Viking style, now missing its ring. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze 'ring pin' of Viking style, now missing its ring. (Monument)
  • Findspot of two barbed and tanged arrowheads. (Find Spot)
  • Kessingland beach (Monument)
  • Ladies Meadow (1840 Tithe Map) (Rom) (Monument)
  • MD rally Ilketshall St Andrew (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a lead seal matrix, buckle frame. (Med) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Metal detector find, bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find, circular guard from a roundel-dagger hilt (Find Spot)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of flints and metalwork, including 2 Iceni quarter stater coins and a large flaked axe. (Preh)(BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatetr of metalwork. (PAS find)
  • Scatter of three Medieval coins and one post-medieval coin (Monument)
  • Small multi period metalwork Scatter (LSAX) (MED) (PMED) (Monument)
  • Two Roman brooches and hair pins, "New Lee Farm" (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

Record last edited

Feb 11 2020 4:11PM

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