Number of records found: 134
Monument record: WLD 094 Remains of a boat in channel in saltmarsh. (Monument)Remains of a boat in channel in saltmarsh. Masts still upright. 10m long x 2 wide (approx.). NW-SE. Formerly recorded as WLD MISC
Monument record: WLD 036 Upright timbers (3 parallel rows) with horizontal timbers between two rows closest to bank. Corrugated iron/asbestos also set in with these horizont… (Monument)Upright timbers (3 parallel rows) with horizontal timbers between two rows closest to bank. Corrugated iron/asbestos also set in with these horizontals. Runs along base of bank. Modern. E-W
Monument record: WLD 088 2 hulks in saltmarsh. (Monument)2 hulks in saltmarsh. One is approx. 7m long carvel built pleasure cruiser. Hulk still intact - decking gone. The other is just fragmentary remains of wooden boat - keel and odd ribs remaining. Formerly recorded as WLD MISC
Monument record: WFL 023 "Warren" (1839 tithe) (Monument)Field named "warren" mapped on 1839 tithe map and listed in 1841 apportionment (No. 84), suggesting possible former rabbit warren.
Monument record: WLD 106 Field Barn: Walk Barn (Farmstead)Walk Barn is a field barn visible on the 1st Ed Os map. The barn sits alongside a public road in an isolated location. This barn survives intact.
Monument record: WLD 076 Fragment of a medieval bronze buckle with punched small circle decoration (Find Spot)Fragment of bronze buckle with punched small circle decoration. Formerly recorded as WLD MISC
Monument record: WLD 077 Medieval bronze handle ?, in the form of a head, fairly crude, heavy (Monument)Bronze handle ?, in the form of a head, fairly crude, heavy. Formerly recorded as WLD MISC
Monument record: MRM 087 Probable Bronze-Age round barrow. (Monument)Probable Bronze Age Round Barrow, Martlesham parish
Monument record: MRM 088 Possible Bronze Age round barrow. (Monument)Possible Bronze Age round barrow, Marltesham parish
Monument record: MRM 089 Probable Prehistoric enclosure. (Monument)Probable Prehistoric enclosure, Martlesham parish