Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 257 Second World War type 22 Pillbox at Brightwell Heath (Building)Second World War type 22 Pillbox at Brightwell Heath.
Monument record: MRM 258 Site of Second World War Type 22 Pillbox near Ipswich Road at Maidensgrave (Monument)Site of Second World War Type 22 Pillbox near Ipswich Road at Maidensgrave
Monument record: MRM 262 Site of Second World War Type 22 Pillbox Marlesford (Monument)Site of Second World War Type 22 Pillbox Marlesford
Monument record: MRM 076 Post Medieval landing point. (Monument)Post Medieval landing point, Martlesham
Monument record: MTN 013 Melton Old Gaol (Monument)Site of Melton Old Gaol.
Monument record: FXL 015 Dobb's Corner (Monument)Tumulus ? - marked as such on OS map, but on ground appears to be more L or U-shaped, with its long side adjacent to a hollow way on the line of the Foxhall/Brightwell parish boundary (sketch plan on old SMR card).
Monument record: MRM 015 Eight Round Barrows on Martlesham Heath (Monument)Round Barrow. In narrow strip of heathy woodland (max 20m E-W) between housing to W and Suffolk Constabulary HQ to E (S2). Scheduled.
Monument record: MRM 068 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including a rim of Thetford ware. (Med) (Monument)Pottery scatter including one rim of Thetford type ware and 8 sherds Med coarsewares, date range ?C12-C14 (S1).
Monument record: MRM 195 Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Hadrian (Find Spot)Sestertius, worn, probably Hadrian (AD 117-138) found with a metal detector - found within MRM 040. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 196 Findspot of a Roman follis coin of Constantine I (Find Spot)Follis of Constantine I (AD 306-317) found with a metal detector. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC