Site Event/Activity record ESF21989 - Monitoring at Tan House, Beccles, Suffolk

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Location Tan House, St Benedicts Road
Grid reference Centred TM 4229 9094 (40m by 18m)
Map sheet TM49SW



Oxford Archaeology East


Not recorded.



PROJECT DETAILS The first phase of archaeological work was undertaken from October 5th to 7th 2010 after demolition of buildings on the eastern part of the site and during the excavation of footings for the new eastern block. The foundation and drainage trenches associated with the first phase of the development were inspected for any archaeological remains that may have been affected. No archaeological remains were exposed or any artefacts recovered during these works. The second phase of work took place between the 4th and 11th July 2012 during excavation of the footings for the new western block. Archaeological features were observed in the sections of the northern half of the footings. These features appeared to have been pits, two of which contained pottery dating to the medieval period. Post medieval, medieval and prehistoric pottery was also recovered from several locations between the footings where subsoil was exposed. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous No, Future No Associated Identifiers: Sitecode BCC077 Planning Application No. DC/09/0532/FUL Project Type: Recording project Investigation Type: '''Field observation''', '''Recorded Observation''', '''Watching Brief''' Reason for Investigation: Planning condition Monument Type(s)/Period(s): PIT Medieval Artefact Type(s)/Period(s): POTTERY Medieval PROJECT LOCATION Area 2000.00 Square metres Grid Reference: TM4231590935 Point PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Keith Wade Design originator: Rachel Clarke Director/Manager: James Drummond-Murray Supervisor: Graeme Clarke DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Oxford Archaeology East ID: XSFBTH10 Contents: 'none' Media: 'Images raster / digital photography', 'Images vector', 'Text' PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: OA East ID: XSFBTH10 Contents: 'none' Media: 'Report' BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Medieval activity at the site of Tan House, Beccles Author(s)/Editor(s): Fletcher, T Other Bibliographic Details: OA East Report No. 1220 Date: 2012 Issuer/Publisher: OA East Place of Issue or Publication: Bar Hill Description: A4 bound report URL:

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Rees, G. and Clarke, G.. 2012. Archaeological Watching Brief Report, Medieval activity at the site of Tan House, Beccles.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Medieval pit at Tan House (Monument)

Record last edited

Jul 11 2022 11:00AM

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