Monument record IPS 223 - Wolsey's Gate, College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5302).

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A fine brick gateway originally belonging to a proposed college which Wolsey was to set up at Ipswich.


Grid reference Centred TM 1638 4409 (15m by 16m)
Map sheet TM14SE


Type and Period (3)

Full Description

`A fine brick gateway originally belonging to a proposed college which Wolsey was to set up at Ipswich. Over the door the coat of arms of the cardinal. The gateway was erected in 1528' (S1).

1859: At a meeting of the SIA in Bury St Edmunds, January 1859, Mr Barnes exhibited some very curious bricks of the time of Edward VI, moulded with bas-reliefs of different designs, some representing passages in the story of Susannah and the Elders. Discovered near Wolsey's Gate in Ipswich (S4).

1899: Visit by Nina Layard observed the fabric of the gate and the remaining wall (S5).

C. 1907: Burials were observed by Nina Layard during building works immediately north of Wolsey's Gate (S6).

1979: Siegburg Jug from "building site near the Cardinal Wolsey gateway", shown to Essex County Council Archaeology section. Assumed found some years before, (S7).

2007:Examination of two test-pits to examine the condition of the ground conditions. The north-south wall component of the standing monument was measured at approximately 0.9 metres thick and at its junction with the gateway is clearly constructed from 2 inch thick Tudor bricks, as is its entire western face seen in the adjacent churchyard. However, the covering of render on its eastern side, to the north of the gate, prevents examination of the face and in the test-hole all of the exposed brickwork was clearly of much later date, sitting on a concrete footing, both of which predate the two phases of concrete slab. The most obvious interpretation is that the wall has been at least partially underpinned, probably in sections, as at least two adjacent components of concrete footing were identified. However, without being able to examine the above ground wall fabric on the eastern side of the structure, a more wholesale rebuilding/refacing of this stretch of the wall cannot be ruled out. The use of concrete combined with the type of brick used suggests the earliest the underpinning could have occurred would be later in the 19th century, although a 20th century date is more likely. What was immediately apparent was the robustness of the reinforced slabs and their close proximity to the wall. Any removal of these slabs would clearly cause significant vibration in the vicinity of the standing monument. However, the excavated test-hole did not uncover evidence relating to the unaltered base of the monument, and further investigations may be necessary. With access to the rear of the gate restricted, one possibility would be to manually excavate small trenches against the western side of the wall in St. Peters churchyard (S2).

Sources/Archives (10)

  • <S1> Source Unchecked: DoE. 1986. Scheduling information, Wolsey's College, Ipswich, 1986.. DOE, scheduling information, 1986.
  • <S2> Unpublished document: Boulter, S.. 2007. Report on a test-pit excavated to investigate the ground conditions adjacent to Wolsey's Gate.
  • <S3> Source Unchecked: DoE. SAM file, Wolsey's College, Ipswich..
  • <S4> Article in serial: 1863. Proceedings at the Meetings of the Institute..
  • <S5> Article in serial: Layard, N.F.. 1899. Remarks on Wolsey's College and the Priory of St. Peter and St. Paul, Ipswich.
  • <S6> Unpublished document: Boulter S. 2000. Archaeological Evaluation Report, Former Cardinal Works Site, Ipswich..
  • <S7> Unpublished document: Eddy, M.R and Watkins, G.. 1984. A Siegburg jug from Ipswich, Suffolk.
  • <S8> Index: DoE. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. DOE (HHR) Ipswich UD Suff 4.8.72 13.
  • <S9> Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.
  • <S10> Bibliographic reference: Pevsner N & Radcliffe E. 1974. The Buildings of England: Suffolk.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

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Related Events/Activities (8)

Record last edited

May 21 2021 12:50PM

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