Find Spot record BMF 011 - Findspot of a hoard of Bronze-Age palstaves.
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Grid reference | Centred TM 402 724 (68m by 64m) Approximate |
Map sheet | TM47SW |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Hoard, or hoards(?) of axes, found on a farm near Castle Yard (which is located at TM 4030 7339). 'Found together 18 in. below surface on farm at Bramfield in March 1839' according to National Bronze Implements Catalogue (S4, R1).
Findspot located to (see 'Not to be published on web' tab) (S6) after Davy (S5), who transcribed a 1848 letter by George Haward recording the hoard as being found by Robert Danbrook 'at Bramfield 8 or 10 years back' (ie, circa 1838-1840) when 'spade draining in a meadow that had been broken up, on the property of Mr Capon, about a mile from the village on the side of the Turnpike leading from Bramfield to Yoxford and at a depth of two feet he discovered 10 battle axes packed close together....the two largest I presented to my father who now holds them, being one of each pattern, there were two different patterns, one of one kind and nine of the other, but there were various sizes.'.
Suckling (published 1848,S7) states 'about five or six years since, twelve large celts were discovered, not far from this spot, lying in a circle, within which were eight smaller ones. They laid very near the surface of the earth, and were turned up by a plough'.
It is likely the two authors refer to the same hoard though the modes and dates of discovery together with variations in detail may suggest two separate hoards.
6 palstaves were in the British Museum, on loan from the Tower Armouries (marked with a variety of catalogue numbers, eg CX2/358 - CX2/363; TR104,TR105, TR106, TR108,TR109 and TR 111), deriving from the E Church collection. It is suggested by Needham that one of these (TR109) is probably not part of the hoard (S4). Seven items (the 6 in the BM and an incomplete ?flanged axe, TR103) are listed and photographed and (now) held by the Royal Armouries (S6; ?and R3, where recorded as from Sussex & Co.Mayo).
1 'flanged axe', according to Rowlands, IPSMG 962-182 is a palstave, class 5, group 1 (of LMBA), with shield & rib decoration, ex Fitch Collection, NCM - 16.6cm x 6cms (S2)(S3), obtained by exchange with Norwich Museum (30-947 Miss Gowing) formerly in John Nash's collection. Another palstave in this collection, seen by P E Rumbelow, was smaller and narrower. Details in (S4)(R1). The whereabouts of the remainder of the axes is unknown.
See parish file (S1)(S2)(S4). Presumably the same as referred to in (S8) though recorded as flint and related to Castle Yards (BMF 001).
Sources/Archives (12)
- <R1> SSF1340 (No record type): BM, National Bronze Implements catalogue.
- <S1> SSF18026 (No record type): SAU (Martin E M), undated.
- <M1> SSF50072 Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files.
- <S2> SSF50070 Index: Ipswich Museum. IPSMG card. IPSMG, card 962-182, 1962.
- <R2> SSF50094 Bibliographic reference: Miscellaneous Bibliographic reference. Rabett R, Authorised Arms, circa 1850.
- <S3> SSF17816 Bibliographic reference: Rowlands M J. 1976. The Organisation of Middle Bronze Age Metalworking. number 919.
- <R3> SSF50094 Bibliographic reference: Miscellaneous Bibliographic reference. Dillon Viscount, Illus Guide to the Armouries, Tower of London, HMSO, 1910, 88, Nos 104-110..
- <S4> SSF22064 (No record type): Taylor R J, Hoards of the BA in S Britain, BAR, 228, 1993, Microfiche 2 (EA 105), plate 98a.
- <S5> SSF50039 Unpublished document: Letter. Davy D E, transcription of letter to Rev S B Turner of Halesworth, May 1848.
- <S6> SSF50039 Unpublished document: Letter. Brereton Mrs J, to SAU (EM),September & November 2001.
- <S7> SSF21708 (No record type): Suckling Rev A, History and antiquities of the county of Suffolk, 1848, (2) 174.
- <S8> SSF50094 Bibliographic reference: Miscellaneous Bibliographic reference. Smith M, Bramfield Church & Village through the Centuries, 1945, 3.
Finds (3)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Jun 10 2013 12:20PM