Monument record ERL 132 - Floodlighting, MT Compound, RAF Lakenheath

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Preh & Rom(?) soil deposits and Un ditch located while monitoring of column footing pits and cable trenches.


Grid reference Centred TL 72940 80613 (203m by 222m)
Map sheet TL78SW


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

2004: A series of visits were made in March/April to the site at RAF Lakenheath to monitor the excavation of cable trenches and column footing pits for the construction of floodlights around the perimeter of the MT Compound. These trenches had potential for uncovering IA, Rom and possibly Anglo-Saxon activity and to further define the areas of settlement in the vicinity.
Observation of the cable trenches and footing pits was carried out during excavation before any cable was laid. A smlal percentage wre backfilled before they were seen. The trenches were approx 0.30-0.5m wide and up to 0.6m deep. The majority of the trenches were excavated by machine but in some areas existing services meant they were excavated by hand. Two features wre identified, a hollow, 0001, a dep spread of pale grey sand, very similar to 0029 and 0043 in ERL 107 which were interpreted as hollows in the natural landscape of sand dunes and were associated with Mes and Neo finds. Ditch 0002 seems to be relatively modern as it runs directly alongside a line of mature pine trees which head north from the compound fence.
Several areas of buried subsoil were seen, chiefly in the northern part of the site. To the west another spread of subsoil extended south and another sealed the hollow 0001. These areas of buried subsoil varied in composition but were generally a thin deposit of dark grey/brown sands containing varying amounts of charcoal.
This subsoil is thought to be the surviving remains of a Rom topsoil and occupation surface similar to that observed in ERL 128 demonstrating that the area of settlement found in ERL 128 extends northwards and is probably continuous with the occupation evidence found at ERL 086. It is possible that this occupation evidence may also continue eastwards. To the south and west truncation of the natural ground level has occurred and it is impossible to see whether the settlement continued in this direction towards ERL 117. (S1).

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <M1> Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. (S1)(S2)(S3).
  • <S1> Unpublished document: Craven, J.. 2004. Archaeological Monitoring Report: Floodlighting, MT Compund, RAF Lakenheath.
  • <S2> Unpublished document: Suffolk County Council Archaeologcial Service. Various. SCCAS, Caruth J, No 2003/11.
  • <S3> Unpublished document: Suffolk County Council Archaeologcial Service. Various. SCCAS, Caruth J, No 2003/94.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Nov 30 2022 1:22PM

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