Source/Archive record SSF50036 - Various
Title | Various |
Author/Originator | Suffolk County Council Archaeologcial Service |
Date/Year | |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service Report |
Referenced Monuments (181)
- STU 018 ? Small irregular enclosure to the N of the adjacent field system, STU 010. (Monument)
- STU 023 "Romano-British pottery at site I (as marked on sketch map by Victor Scott), this includes grass tempered (? date), grey, black & red ware and rims, … (Monument)
- HLM 004 "The Wilderness" adjoining Rectory garden (Un) (Monument)
- HLM 004 `The Wilderness' (Rom)
- HAD 060 153a George Street (Monument)
- PRH 011 1999: metal detected axe blade fragment. (BA) (Find Spot)
- ORF 034 3-4 Quay Street (PMed) (Monument)
- DBN 103 51 High Street/Cross Green (Monument)
- FML 028 59 Fore Street (Monument)
- WGD 026 A 'squarish' cropmark seen as a cropmark from the ground but not as soil mark. (Monument)
- FRK 051 Allotments; Freckenham Village Hall (Rom) (Monument)
- FRK 051 Allotments; Freckenham Village Hall (Rom) (Monument)
- LKH 202 Anchor Lane (Med) (Monument)
- LKH 202 Anchor Lane (Sax) (Monument)
- CDD 019 Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, vessel, twezers and coins. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
- WKM 014 Aretface scatter of metal obejcts and pottery on Land off Riverside View, Wickham Market (Monument)
- ERL 093 Avenue of trees at RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
- BCB 014 Ballingdon Cut (Monument)
- SAL 001 Bath house, remains of two rooms each 10 feet long and circa 8 feet wide, with two small plunge baths. (Rom) (Monument)
- LKH 107 Bliss Estate, Joist Fen (IA) (Monument)
- LKH 107 Bliss Estate, Joist Fen (Rom) (Monument)
- TYY 027 Blofield Hall (Med) (Monument)
- PFM 008 Brihtoluestuna; off Murrills Road (Monument)
- BRF 059 Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 40 pieces of metalwork. (Monument)
- BRF 059 Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 40 pieces of metalwork. (Monument)
- BEG 017 Bronze-Age artefact scatter of six bronze objects, probably a dispersed hoard. (Monument)
- CAC 017 Carlton Park; Areas 1 & 2 (Preh) (Monument)
- UBB 005 Castle Hill field (Med) (Monument)
- IPS 204 Castle Hill Meadow, Whitton, Ipswich. (Monument)
- BUN 005 Chapel of St Mary Magdalene (Monument)
- BRD 018 Chequer Meadow; Staunch Meadow (Un) (Monument)
- FRK 041 Chippenham Road (BA) (Monument)
- MLS 012 Church of St Mary (Monument)
- MLS 012 Church of St Mary (Monument)
- SSH 006 Church of St Mary (Monument)
- CLA 078 Clare Railway Station; Clare Castle Inner Bailey (Find Spot)
- TYY 026 Clickett Hill; Blofield Hall (Rom) (Monument)
- TYY 026 Clickett Hill: Blofield Hall (Med) (Monument)
- IPS 397 Co-op Dairy, Boss Hall, Ipswich. (Monument)
- TYY 026 Concentration of burnt flints and extensive prehistoric, Roman and medieval occupation (Monument)
- TYY 026 Concentration of burnt flints and extensive prehistoric, Roman and medieval occupation (Monument)
- RLG 012 Copper alloy pendant (Find Spot)
- NYW 006 Court Knoll, ring work or possible motte & bailey castle (Monument)
- NYW 006 Court Knoll, ring work or possible motte & bailey castle (Monument)
- NYW 006 Court Knoll, ring work or possible motte & bailey castle (Monument)
- CUL 042 Culford Heath (Monument)
- BMF 012 Dews Farm & Triton House; Dice's Farm (1880) (Monument)
- MLS 014 Ditch of unknown date, probably a tenement boundary. (Monument)
- IPS 392 Ditch, P & O Ferrymaster Site, Goddard Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
- BSE 130 Eastgate Barns; Holderness Barn; Eastgate Grange (Monument)
- BNT 041 ECS March 2003 Rally site (PAS find)
- SUS 030 Finds scatter: Medieval pottery and metalwork. (Med) (PAS find)
- SUS 030 Finds scatter: pottery (Rom) (Monument)
- CAA 022 Findspot BA axehead, East Coast Searchers Rally 20/08/00 (PAS find)
- CDD 114 Findspot of an Anglo Saxon Thetford type ware pottery sherd (Monument)
- COV 081 Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap end. (Sax) (Find Spot)
- BED 014 Findspot of an Iron Age coin, an Iceni half unit. (Monument)
- FLN 013 Flixton Park (quarry) Post-medieval (Monument)
- FLN 055 Flixton Park Quarry (New Phase 6) (Monument)
- FLN 059 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (BA) (Monument)
- FLN 059 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (IA) (Monument)
- FLN 059 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (Neo) (Monument)
- FLN 059 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (PMed) (Monument)
- FLN 059 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (Rom) (Monument)
- FLN 057 Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (IA) (Monument)
- FLN 057 Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (IA) (Monument)
- FLN 056 Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (Neo) (Monument)
- FLN 057 Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (Neo) (Monument)
- ERL 132 Floodlighting, MT Compound, RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
- ERL 132 Floodlighting, MT Compound, RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
- IPS 885 Former Howard House, Gippeswyk Avenue, Ipswich, (IAS 9514). (Monument)
- SKT 032 Former Waterworks Site, Union Street (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, Barking, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, Saxon (Sax) (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, undated (Un) (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, undated (Un) (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, undated (Un) (Monument)
- GSE 001 Gisleham Manor House (Monument)
- DUN 003 Greyfriars Monastery; Franciscan Friary (Monument)
- GRU 038 Grundisburgh Hall Park (Monument)
- BKY 002 Gulling Green Farm (Monument)
- BKY 001 Gulling Green; The Parsonage; Brockley Place (Monument)
- HMY 032 High House Farm, Hemley (Monument)
- HNV 003 Horseshoe Ponds, Hengrave Hall (Monument)
- FRK 041 IA artefact scatter Chippenham Road (IA) (PAS find)
- ING 017 Ingham Well (Monument)
- ING 017 Ingham Well (Monument)
- CAC 001 Iron Age ditch at Carlton Park Phase 2B (Hollow Lane) (Monument)
- CAC 001 Iron Age ditch at Carlton Park Phase 2B (Hollow Lane) (Monument)
- EXG 033 Isolation hospital (Un) (Monument)
- LKH 203 Joist Fen (Monument)
- LKH 215 Joist Fen (Monument)
- LKH 216 Joist Fen (Monument)
- SSA 010 July 1999: finds scatter of Roman and mainly Medieval pottery seen during watching brief. (Rom) (Monument)
- WGM 007 Land off Lowestoft Road (BA) (Monument)
- IPS 394 Land Opposite Medite House, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich, (IAS 9136). (Monument)
- FEX 162 Landguard Fort Research Excavation (Monument)
- LVM 043 Lavenham Press (Monument)
- COR 024 Lowestoft Water Treatment Works; Stirrups Lane (Sax) (Monument)
- ORF 227 Medeieval pottery, N of Fire Station, Ipswich Road (Monument)
- WLD 025 Medieval and Post Medieval Parish boundaries and post medieval ditch at Waldringfield Quarry (Monument)
- BSE 117 Medieval and post-medieval activity at t Mary's Square (Monument)
- CSM 059 Medieval and Roman pottery, Capel St Mary Link Road (Monument)
- COV 081 Medieval arteafact scatter, including a Papal bull and a pin. (Med) (Monument)
- COM 023 Medieval artefact scatter and findspot of a Medieval papal bull and harness pendant. (Monument)
- LKH 087 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
- BCC 113 Medieval extraction pits. The Old Bus Depot (Monument)
- BRG 004 Medieval moat, only west and north side remains. (Monument)
- BNC 108 Medieval Pottery scatter. (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
- CUP 030 Medieval pottery sherds, 17 Grundisburgh Road (Monument)
- BSE 602 Medieval rubbish pit, High Baxter Street (Monument)
- BSG 037 Medieval tile kiln (Monument)
- MTN 033 Melton House of Industry; St Audry's Hospital (Monument)
- BRD 156 Middle Saxon to medieval activity at London Road, Brandon (Monument)
- IKL 127 Mitchells Farm, Trench A (Monument)
- RKS 012 Neolithic and Bronze Age flints, NW of St Mary's Church (Find Spot)
- FRK 041 Neolithic artefact scatter, Chippenham Road (Neo) (PAS find)
- BSE 196 North Precinct Wall, stone recording. (Monument)
- BSE 196 North Precinct Wall, stone recording. (Monument)
- KSG 011 OS 8176; F584 (survey field number); Grange Farm (Un) (Monument)
- IPS 877 Plot 69, The Albany, Ipswich, (IAS 8503). (Monument)
- LKH 093 Poplar Farm, Kenny Hill. (Monument)
- SBN 083 Possible medieval or post Medieval ditches Adj Cockey Hatch Sewerage Plant, Stoke-by-Nayland (Monument)
- ARG 099 Post medieval boat fragment, Thorpeness Point beach (Monument)
- PRH 011 Pottery and metalwork scatter (PMed) (Monument)
- PSM 003 Pottery and metalwork scatter scatter, and Time Team excavation - for full list of artefacts on screen, see Arttype. (Rom) (Monument)
- CRM 006 Priory and Church of Creeting St Olave (Monument)
- ERL 112 RAF Lakenheath housing: Kennedy Street (Un) (Monument)
- LKH 208 RAF Lakenheath perimeter fence (Monument)
- HAD 061 Red Hill Road, Lady Lane (Med) (Monument)
- FRK 073 Redlodge Warrener's Lodge; Red Lodge (PH) (Building)
- SBK 031 Rom pottery scatter found during unsystematic fieldwalking. (Monument)
- CLO 045 Roman and Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Monument)
- SBC 048 Roman coins (two or three) and a few med coins found metal detecting by un-named individuals (Monument)
- CDD 022 Roman finds and features, Vicarage Farm (Rom) (Monument)
- MRM 066 Roman pit. (Monument)
- RGH 032 Rougham Downs (Monument)
- RBK 016 Rushbrooke Park (Monument)
- RBK 017 Rushbrooke Park, extensions (Monument)
- WLD 024 Sandcliff (Monument)
- CDD 022 Saxon finds and features, Vicarage Farm (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
- PSM 003 Scatter of IA sherds and two bronze coins, found metal detecting, in mainly Rom scatter. (IA) (Monument)
- PRH 011 Scatter: pottery (Rom) (Monument)
- PRH 011 Scatter: pottery and metalwork (Med) (Monument)
- PRH 010 Scatter: pottery and metalwork. Roman, Medieval and Post Medieval. Mill Green. (PAS find)
- PRH 011 Scatter: pottery, found metal detecting. (Sax) (Monument)
- HNV 001 Settlement Site W of Hengrave (Monument)
- CDD 050 Shrubland Quarry phases 2 & 3; Smyes Corner (IA) (Monument)
- CDD 050 Shrubland Quarry phases 2 & 3; Smyes Corner (IA) (Monument)
- CDD 050 Shrubland Quarry phases 2 & 3; Smyes Corner (IA) (Monument)
- KND 004 Site of a Roman villa, including roofing and flue tile, tesserae and a fragment of puddingstone quern. (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
- MTN 094 St Audrey's Hospital; St Audry's Hospital (Find Spot)
- SNT 001 Stanton Chare; Stanton Chair (IA) (Monument)
- SKT 026 Stowmarket (Monument)
- SKT 027 Stowmarket (Monument)
- ORF 241 Stray find: Neolithic flint flake (PAS find)
- KNN 014 Suddon (Monument)
- LXD 096 Sunnyside, Vicarage Road (Monument)
- IPS 591 The Former Half Moon and Star Public House, Ipswich, (IAS 7013). (Monument)
- FEX 161 The Left Battery, Landguard Fort (Monument)
- FML 027 The Maltings, Bridge Street (Med) (Monument)
- BXT 028 The Old School House, Boxted (Monument)
- BXT 028 The Old School House, Boxted (Monument)
- SNP 007 Tumulii and Saxon mixed inhumation and cremation cemetery. (Sax)
- HVL 002 Undated bank, Havergate Island (Monument)
- CDD 022 Undated finds and features, Vicarage Farm (Un) (Monument)
- KSY 045 Undated pit, Stay Barn, The Street ( (Monument)
- ORF 228 Unstratified post-medieval finds, Methodist Church Hall (Monument)
- CDD 022 Vicarage Farm (BA) (Monument)
- CDD 022 Vicarage Farm (IA) (Monument)
- CDD 022 Vicarage Farm (Preh) (Monument)
- WLB 130 Walberswick Beach (Monument)
- WSN 012 Walpole Hall, Weston (Monument)
- WNF 020 Wangford Common Covert; Wangford Quarry (Monument)
- WNF 020 Wangford Common Covert; Wangford Quarry (Monument)
- WTP 002 Westhorpe Hall (Monument)
- IPS 247 Whitehouse Road; B T & D Technologies Ltd; Hewlett Packard plc, (IAS 8118). (Monument)
- WGD 007 Wingfield College (Med) (Building)
- WGD 007 Wingfield College (Med) (Building)
- WTG 005 Wratting Mill (1836) (PMed) (Monument)
Referenced Events (3)
Record last edited
Jan 28 2025 2:26PM