Monument record BOY 009 - Probable prehistoric field systems and trackways, visible as cropmarks.

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A probable later prehistoric field systems and trackways are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, Boyton parish


Grid reference Centred TM 383 475 (550m by 623m)
Map sheet TM34NE


Type and Period (7)

Full Description

Multi-period linear cropmark complex (S1).
Cropmark features of probable prehistoric or Roman date are visible on aerial photographs, centred on circa TM38364750, Boyton parish. The prehistoric cropmarks possibly relate to two or more phases of activity, represented by features that are on slightly different alignments. The cropmarks are generally fragmentary, but a number of linear features and two wide ditched trackways or linear boundaries are visible. The first possible trackway is aligned roughly NE, and is visible as cropmarks of two roughly parallel ditches about 2m wide, set about 15-20m apart. It is visible for about 600m from circa TM38124736 to TM38544779, and may be funnel shaped at the south-western end, although it is not possible to be sure due to the fragmentary nature of the cropmarks. A linear cropmark circa 440m long is visible about 25m to the west of this trackway, on roughly the same alignment, and it may form part of a linear ditched boundary with the trackway. A group of narrower trackways is visible centred on circa TM38354751. The cropmarks are again fragmentary, but the visible trackways are about 3-4m wide and on a similar alignment to the wider trackway or boundary to the north west, which might suggest that they are related. A single linear cropmark to the south east of the trackways is again on a similar alignment. It is circa 360m in length, with a possible rectangular enclosure at its eastern end (see BOY 026). A further circa 200m of ditched trackway about 5m wide is visible centred on circa TM38484769. Although the western end of this trackway doglegs almost due north, part of this track is on a NW-SE orientation similar to that of the surrounding Post-Medieval field system, and it crosses the route of those trackways mentioned above, suggesting that it may be later in date. The second possible ditched trackway or linear boundary is visible at circa TM3839. It is about 8m wide and is orientated slightly more NNE-SSE. It may continue to the NNE, widening into a funnel or track about 17m wide at about TM38534771, but it is much more fragmentary in appearance and it is not possible to be sure. This feature may abut the ditch of ring ditch BOY 027 but the relationship between the features is unclear. A ditched linear feature centred on circa TM38574760 appears to roughly follow the 10m contour line and may be a boundary feature. A number of other possible ring-ditches are visible, and are recorded separately as BOY 027-029. Three possible oval enclosures are also visible, and are recorded as BOY 031-033. (S2, S3)

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <M1> Photograph: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Air Photograph. APs: AGO 10,11,12,13,15,16.
  • <S1> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. SAU, APs AGO 10-13,15,16.
  • <S2> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 3847/1 XX-JUL-1977.
  • <S3> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 3847/2-7 04-AUG-1977.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jun 14 2013 11:37AM

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