Monument record ADT 080 - Second World War Diver Strip Battery G12
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Grid reference | Centred TM 3472 4084 (456m by 389m) |
Map sheet | TM34SW |
Type and Period (7)
- ANTI AIRCRAFT BATTERY (Second World War - 1942 AD? to 1945 AD?)
- DIVER BATTERY (Second World War - 1942 AD? to 1945 AD)
- MILITARY CAMP (Second World War - 1942 AD? to 1945 AD)
- PILLBOX (Second World War - 1942 AD? to 1945 AD)
- GUN EMPLACEMENT (Second World War - 1942 AD? to 1945 AD)
- SLIT TRENCH (Second World War - 1942 AD? to 1945 AD)
- OBSERVATION POST (Second World War - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
Full Description
Site of Second World War heavy anti aircraft battery G12 at The Mount. This was a Diver Strip battery equipped with four 3.7-inch guns and Predictor radar, possibly spread over two sites BAW 072, for further details see BAW 072 (S1).
February 2016. Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Beauty National Mapping Programme.
The former site of a Second World War Diver Strip Battery, associated camp and defences, is visible on aerial photographs (S2-S5) to the north of Bawdsey. This part of the coast has numerous Diver Strip batteries, including ADT 085-086, ADT 088 to the north and BAW 052 & BAW 085 to the south. The site consists of the main strip of four gun emplacements and the associated operational and accommodation buildings located to the west and north of the guns. The site is defended by numerous pillboxes, emplacements and slit trenches, some of which may pre-date the site, and include ADT 078. Recent photography and mapping would suggest that few above ground components of this site remain. However some parts of the tracks remain and lead towards the Cold War Observer Post (ADT 076). Some of the defences may also remain around the perimeter within hedge lines and trees.
Due to time constraints only the extent of the buildings have been mapped and not individual structures.
S. Horlock (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 16th February 2016.
Artillery Observation Post. Thanks to Dave Thurlow of the Pillbox Study Group. This does not refer to the nearby ROC post (S6).
Sources/Archives (6)
- <S1> SSF53735 Index: English Heritage. Pastscape.
- <S2> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. RAF/106G/UK/832 RS 4084-4085 23-SEP-1945 (EHA Original Print).
- <S3> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. RAF/58/113 V 5253-5254 30-AUG-1948 (EHA Original Print).
- <S4> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. RAF/58/113 V 5305-5306 30-AUG-1948 (EHA Original Print).
- <S5> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. RAF/58/839 V 5118-5120 11-MAR-1952 (EHA Original Print).
- <S6> SSF61605 Machine readable data file: Thompson, S. 2020. Pillbox Study Group, unrecorded defence sites for inclusion in the HER.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Oct 19 2023 9:01AM