Site Event/Activity record ESF23666 - TM34SW. Mapping Block 3: Sutton to Hollesley. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
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Norfolk Historic Environment Service
Not recorded.
No mapped location recorded.
Sources/Archives (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (118)
- ADT 008 A Bronze-Age ring ditch. (Monument)
- ADT 093 Boundaries and possible former building platforms and/or mounds at Alderton Hall (Monument)
- ADT 016 Bronze Age ring ditch (Monument)
- ADT 105 Bronze Age round barrow cemetery (Monument)
- ADT 026 Buckanay Farm (Monument)
- BAW 192 Circular enclosure of probable medieval date, possibly relating to a windmill or post mill (Monument)
- ADT 035 Complex of cropmarks of series of field boundaries and trackways. (Monument)
- ADT 107 Cropmarks of a faint ring ditch of probable Bronze Age date (Monument)
- RMS 021 Cropmarks of a field system and settlement of probable prehistoric or Roman date, Ramsholt parish (Monument)
- RMS 006 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway of probable later prehistoric and/or Roman date (Monument)
- ADT 013 Cropmarks of a major system of enclosures, trackways and boundary ditches of possible Roman or medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- ADT 108 Cropmarks of a possible ring ditch of probable Bronze Age date (Monument)
- ADT 110 Cropmarks of a possible ring ditch with an internal bank and/or former circular structure of uncertain date (Monument)
- ADT 017 Cropmarks of a ring ditch of probable Bronze Age or later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- ADT 106 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries, ditches and possible tracks of uncertain date and significance (Monument)
- ADT 082 Cropmarks of an enclosure and/or farmstead of unknown date (Monument)
- RMS 007 Cropmarks of an irregular-shaped enclosure of unknown date (Monument)
- BAW 194 Cropmarks of boundary ditches and fields of possible Iron Age to Roman date (Monument)
- RMS 061 Cropmarks of circular features of uncertain archaeological date and significance (Monument)
- ADT 037 Cropmarks of curving trackway from road junction north-west of Radar Station, abutted by a small rectilinear enclosure. (Monument)
- ADT 083 Cropmarks of enclosures and boundary ditches of later prehistoric to Roman date or medieval date (Monument)
- ADT 036 Cropmarks of group of interconnecting trackways & possible field boundaries. (Monument)
- BAW 012 Cropmarks of multiphase enclosures, fields and boundaries of potential later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- ADT 095 Cropmarks of one or more ring ditches of uncertain date, possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- ADT 104 Cropmarks of one or more ring ditches, probable Bronze Age round barrows (Monument)
- RMS 008 Cropmarks of oval enclosure or funerary monument of uncertain date (Monument)
- RMS 012 Cropmarks of part of field system RMS 006 (Monument)
- BAW 190 Cropmarks of possible rectilinear enclosures and/or fields (Monument)
- BAW 195 Cropmarks of possible ring ditch of uncertain date (Monument)
- RMS 060 Cropmarks of possible sunken-featured buildings, post–built structures and pits of potential Saxon date. (Monument)
- RMS 062 Cropmarks of ring ditch, potentially a Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- ADT 109 Cropmarks of settlement enclosures of uncertain date separated out of ADT 001 (Monument)
- ADT 015 Cropmarks of small rectilinear enclosure or building (Monument)
- ADT 028 Cropmarks of sub rectangular enclosure and trackwaynow part of ADT 001 (Monument)
- ADT 009 Cropmarks of two phases of trackways, enclosures and fields of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- ADT 111 Cropmarks of undated pits, some of which could relate to sunken-featured buildings of potential Saxon date (Monument)
- ADT 102 Earthworks of a 700m long routeway or boundary ditch of undertain date and significance (Monument)
- ADT 098 Earthworks of hollow or boundary ditch of undertain date and significance, possibly medieval to post medieval (Monument)
- BAW 030 Earthworks of probable medieval to post medieval date in Grove Wood (site 10/4/4) (Monument)
- ADT 094 Earthworks of probable post medieval flood banks (Monument)
- HLY 030 Field boundaries and other cropmarks of unknown date adjoining the parish boundary. (Monument)
- ADT 069 First World War pillbox (Monument)
- ADT 070 First World War pillbox (Monument)
- BAW 189 Former earthworks of a probable post medieval flood bank and a possible mound (Monument)
- ADT 090 Fragmentary and dispersed multi-period cropmarks (Monument)
- ADT 103 Fragmentary and multiphase cropmarks of field boundaries, trackways and ditches (Monument)
- ADT 101 Fragmentary cropmarks of possible late prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- ADT 014 Group of ring ditches of possible prehistoric or Roman date (Monument)
- ADT 099 Large and multi-phase area of field system, trackways and enclosures of possible later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- ADT 076 Observation post, The Mount, Alderton (Monument)
- RMS 011 Possible Prehistoric or Roman double-ditched rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
- BAW 191 Possible ring ditch of probable prehistoric date (Monument)
- HLY 168 Possible Second World War military activity (Monument)
- BAW 097 Possible sub rectangular ditched enclosure and linear features, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- ADT 057 Post medieval flood bank (Monument)
- ADT 003 Prehistoric or Roman cropmark settlement site consisting of enclosures and trackways. (Preh) (Monument)
- ADT 089 Probable medieval to post medieval land allotment boundaries (Monument)
- ADT 007 Remains of a ploughed-out Bronze-Age round barow, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- ADT 027 Ring ditch at Buckanay Farm (Monument)
- ADT 049 Ring ditch at Buckanay Farm (Monument)
- HLY 096 Roman salt production site or 'saltern'. (Monument)
- ADT 001 Scheduled cropmark settlement site of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument)
- RMS 042 Second World War "civil starfish" and "Civil QL" bombing decoys (Monument)
- ADT 087 Second World War defences and barbed wire obstructions at Alderton (Monument)
- ADT 080 Second World War Diver Strip Battery G12 (Monument)
- ADT 085 Second World War Diver Strip Battery at Alderton (Monument)
- ADT 086 Second World War Diver Strip Battery at Alderton (Monument)
- ADT 088 Second World War Diver Strip Battery at Alderton (Monument)
- STT 075 Second World War military training site (Monument)
- ADT 078 Second World War pillbox type 22. (Monument)
- ADT 077 Second World War Rectangular pillbox. (Monument)
- ADT 096 Second World War searchlight and/or gun battery and training activity (Monument)
- ADT 097 Second World War training site (Monument)
- HLY 158 Site of enclosures, trackways, field system and probable settlement (Monument)
- HLY 166 Site of fragmentary linear cropmarks of unknown date (Monument)
- HLY 161 Site of fragmentary, probably multi-phase trackways and fields surrounding settlement site HLY 006 (Monument)
- HLY 006 Site of multi-phase settlement and enclosures, including Saxon sunken-featured buildings (Monument)
- STT 072 Site of pillbox, probably of First World War date (Monument)
- STT 073 Site of pillbox, probably of First World War date (Monument)
- BAW 049 Site of platforms and enclosures of possible medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- BAW 193 Site of possible earthworks and vegetation marks of uncertain archaeological date and significance (Monument)
- STT 022 Site of possible ring ditch of probable Bronze Age date (Monument)
- HLY 151 Site of possible ring ditch of unknown, possibly prehistoric date (Monument)
- RMS 028 Site of possible ring ditch on The Mutton (Monument)
- HLY 162 Site of possible ring ditch, perhaps a Bronze Age round barrow or prehistoric round house (Monument)
- HLY 163 Site of possible ring ditch, perhaps a Bronze Age round barrow or prehistoric round house (Monument)
- HLY 167 Site of possible Second World War bomb craters (Monument)
- HLY 171 Site of possible Second World War training activity (Monument)
- HLY 155 Site of possible settlement, trackways and field system of unknown date. (Monument)
- HLY 153 Site of possible undated ring ditch, perhaps a Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- STT 074 Site of probable Second World War bomb crater (Monument)
- RMS 058 Site of probable Second World War training activity (Monument)
- HLY 152 Site of probable undated ring ditch, perhaps a Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- STT 020 Site of ring ditch of probable Bronze Age date (Monument)
- STT 070 Site of ring ditch of probable Bronze Age date (Monument)
- STT 071 Site of ring ditch of probable Bronze Age date (Monument)
- HLY 170 Site of Second World War training activity (Monument)
- STT 021 Site of small sub-rectangular or oval enclosure of unknown but possible prehistoric date (Monument)
- HLY 160 Site of small, sub-rectangular enclosure unknown date, possibly a Neolithic long barrow or mortuary enclosure (Monument)
- HLY 164 Site of triple-ditched settlement enclosure of Bronze Age or Iron Age date (Monument)
- RMS 059 Site of undated boundaries on heathland (Monument)
- HLY 156 Site of undated circular mound of possible Bronze Age, medieval to post medieval or Second World War date (Monument)
- HLY 169 Site of undated ditches (Monument)
- SUT 274 Site of undated linear cropmarks (Monument)
- HLY 157 Site of undated ring ditch, perhaps the site of a Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- HLY 165 Site of undated, multi-phase field system, trackways and possible enclosures, most of probably Bronze Age to Roman period date (Monument)
- STT 076 Site of undated, possibly prehistoric and/or Roman period field system, and possible enclosures and roundhouse. (Monument)
- STT 078 Site of undated, possibly prehistoric and/or Roman period, rectilinear cropmarks, including a probable trackway (Monument)
- STT 077 Site of undated, possibly prehistoric, field system (Monument)
- HLY 159 Site of undated, probably modern pits, perhaps Second World War bomb craters (Monument)
- ADT 091 Soilmarks and earthworks of a probable post medieval flood bank (Monument)
- ADT 092 Soilmarks of a possible circular building platform or levelled mound of probable post medieval date (Monument)
- ADT 100 Soilmarks of banks of unknown date and significance (Monument)
- HLY 154 The cropmarks of a ring ditch and/or circular enclosure of probable prehistoric date (Monument)
- ADT 067 The Shrubbery (Monument)
- ADT 004 The site of a probable Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- ADT 066 Trackway extending through underlying wetland deposits, not visible from the air. (Monument)
- ADT 006 Two parallel linear cropmarks. (Monument)
Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)
- ESF23317 Mapping Block 3: Sutton to Orford. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Ref: English Heritage Project No. 7085 (ESF23316))
Record last edited
Feb 4 2025 10:23AM