Monument record LCS 182 - Site of possible Iron Age to Roman saltern mound or ‘Red Hill’
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Grid reference | Centred TM 4620 6483 (54m by 52m) |
Map sheet | TM46SE |
Type and Period (6)
Full Description
January 2015. Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Beauty National Mapping Programme.
The site of a possible saltern mound or ‘Red Hill’, usually thought to date to the Iron Age to Roman period, is visible as a pinkish white soilmark on aerial photographs; the reddish colour is visible on (S1), but a (usually pale) mark is also visible on a number of other aerial photographs, including (S2)-(S3). Reddish marks of this type can derive from mounds of briquetage waste from the salt-making process, although they can instead indicate the presence of some kind of kiln (S4). ‘Red Hills’ are a feature of the Essex and south Suffolk coastline, and the location of this site, just above the 5m contour line and overlooking a former estuary, is a likely location for such a site (S5). Another salt-making site has been identified from fieldwalking evidence a little over 1km to the east (LCS 134). It should be noted, however, that fieldwalking at the site did not recover any evidence of saltmaking or other industrial processes (LCS Misc, MSF21549), casting doubt on its interpretation as a saltern. The mark may equate to the ring ditch previously recorded at the site (LCS 036) but not otherwise identified by the NMP survey.
S. Tremlett (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 23rd January 2015.
Sources/Archives (5)
- <S1> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. EARTH.GOOGLE.COM 31-DEC-2000 ACCESSED 23-JAN-2015 (Digital).
- <S2> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. MAL/75039 V 019-020 07-JUN-1975 (EHA Original Print).
- <S3> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. EARTH.GOOGLE.COM 05-AUG-2007 ACCESSED 23-JAN-2015 (Digital).
- <S4> SXS50139 Bibliographic reference: D.R. Wilson. 2000. Air Photo Interpretation for Archaeologists. p157.
- <S5> SXS50160 Unpublished document: Cain Hegarty & Sarah Newsome. 2005. The Archaeology of the Suffolk Coast and Inter-tidal Zone:A report for the National Mapping Programme. pp55-59, figure 23.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event - Interpretation: 'Sensitivity to Access' assessment for Natural England Coastal Access project, February 2016. (ESF23524)
- Event - Interpretation: TM46SE. Mapping Block 1: Walberswick to Aldeburgh. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB (Ref: English Heritage Project No. 7085) (ESF22910)
Record last edited
Mar 11 2016 11:52AM