Site Event/Activity record ESF22910 - TM46SE. Mapping Block 1: Walberswick to Aldeburgh. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB
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Norfolk Historic Environment Service
Not recorded.
No mapped location recorded.
Sources/Archives (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (84)
- ARG 066 A World War II Diver Battery S4 on Thorpeness Common. (Monument)
- LCS 019 Agricultural pit of negligible archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 250 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 251 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 039 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 040 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 041 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 042 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 044 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 046 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 047 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 048 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 052 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 053 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 055 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 056 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 057 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 061 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 062 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 065 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 067 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 068 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 069 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 070 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 071 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 072 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 075 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 076 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 078 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 079 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 080 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 082 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 260 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 262 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 263 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 266 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 267 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 269 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 270 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
- LCS 006 Cropmarks of undated field boundaries (Monument)
- LCS 023 Earthworks of an undated sub-rectangular enclosure on Broom Covert (Monument)
- LCS 216 Earthworks of linear and rectilinear boundaries of unknown date, The Walks, Aldringham Common (Monument)
- ARG 070 Earthworks of World War Two anti-glider ditches north of Thorpness Golf Course (Monument)
- ARG 071 Earthworks of World War Two anti-glider ditches west of Thorpness Golf Course (Monument)
- LCS 183 Extensive area of Second World War military training activity (Monument)
- ARG 073 Fragmentary cropmarks of possible medieval settlement (Monument)
- LCS 164 Leiston Auxiliary Unit, Operational Base, Leiston Common (Monument)
- LCS 212 Linear earthwork banks on Broom Covert (Monument)
- LCS 059 Multi-period cropmarks of probable field boundaries and enclosures (Monument)
- ARG 074 Possible World War Two activity (Monument)
- ARG 003 Probably Bronze Age round barrow, Aldringham Common (Monument)
- ARG 017 Second World War anti-glider ditches and military training activity on The Walks, Aldringham Common (Monument)
- LCS 203 Second World War training area and/or strong point (Monument)
- LCS 036 Site of a ring ditch, reinterpreted as a possible saltern mound (LCS 182) (Monument)
- LCS 198 Site of cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance and unknown date, possibly relating to a prehistoric barrow (Monument)
- LCS 214 Site of double-ditched enclosure and probably associated boundary ditches and trackways of unknown date (Monument)
- LCS 211 Site of fragmentary cropmarks of unknown date and significance (Monument)
- LCS 210 Site of fragmentary cropmarks of unknown date and significance (Monument)
- LCS 209 Site of fragmentary cropmarks of unknown date and significance (Monument)
- LCS 208 Site of fragmentary cropmarks of unknown date and significance (Monument)
- LCS 206 Site of Leiston Very High Frequency (VHF) Fixer Station (Monument)
- LCS 196 Site of one or more Second World War slit trenches (Monument)
- LCS 181 Site of possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- LCS 215 Site of possible Bronze Age round barrow or medieval to post medieval mill mound, The Walks (Monument)
- LCS 199 Site of possible double ring ditch of uncertain significance and date (Monument)
- LCS 182 Site of possible Iron Age to Roman saltern mound or ‘Red Hill’ (Monument)
- LCS 186 Site of Second World War (and/or possibly First World War) military training site, Leiston Common (Monument)
- LCS 184 Site of Second World War Auxiliary Unit Operational Base, Leiston Common (Monument)
- LCS 213 Site of Second World War Diver anti-aircraft battery (Monument)
- LCS 063 Site of Second World War Diver anti-aircraft battery and anti tank gun emplacement (Monument)
- LCS 185 Site of Second World War Diver battery (Monument)
- LCS 207 Site of Second World War military activity and structures (Monument)
- LCS 205 Site of Second World War military training area and/or defended locality (Monument)
- LCS 202 Site of two probable First World War pillboxes (Monument)
- LCS 201 Site of undated boundary on Leiston Common (Monument)
- LCS 200 Site of undated boundary on Leiston Common (Monument)
- LCS 197 Site of vague cropmarks of unknown date and significance (Monument)
- LCS 247 Site of World War Two Diver anti aircraft battery (Monument)
- ARG 002 Square Plantation Round Barrow;Two bowl barrows, Square Plantation (Monument)
- ARG 075 Trackways of unknown date on The Walks (Monument)
- ARG 014 Two bowl barrows in Square Plantation, Aldringham Common (Monument)
- LCS 113 World War II anti-tank ditch. (Monument)
- ARG 072 World War Two practice trenches on Aldringham Common golf course (Monument)
- ARG 076 World war Two structures, possible accommodation huts (Monument)
Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)
- ESF22911 Mapping Block 1: Walberswick to Aldeburgh. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Ref: English Heritage Project No. 7085)
Record last edited
Feb 4 2025 4:38PM