Monument record IKN 136 - Undated ditches, medieval finds and WWII military debris at Land to north of Hill Farm Rd, Iken
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Grid reference | Centred TM 4263 5544 (89m by 50m) |
Map sheet | TM45NW |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Excavation revealed evidence of 2 undated ditches. One ditch was shallow and orientated north-east to south-west with a turn to the north west at its western end. It was 1.1m wide but only 0.2m deep and the fill was a very pale and clean grey sand. The second ditch was orientated north-west to south-east and was 0.34m wide and 0.12m deap and its fill was also very clean pale grey sand.
A suggestion of medieval activity in the general area of the site was given by a silver short cross penny (wt. 1.2g) identified as a class 4b of either King Richard I or John by the moneyer Reinaud from the Canterbury mint and dating to 1200-1204. 6 sherds of medieval pottery of Hollesley type sandy coarseware of 13th/14th century date found on the surface of the field. As a copper alloy buckle frame late medieval/16th century, 2 copper alloy buttons 19th/20th century were also found.
The World War II use of this area for live fire training was confirmed as eight spent 303 bullets and three cartridge cases with a few scraps of shrapnel were also found. This fits with other WWII sites in the area which deomostrate it was used for extensive military training including live fire practice, for example live firing target/craters (IKN 013), temporary military camp (IKN 099) and evidence of disturbance indicating a firing range (IKN 013). There is further evidence on aerial photographs covering a large area with slit trenches and barbed wire obstructions (IKN 080) in addition to the scar which may have been caused by a V1 rocket (IKN 079) hitting the ground (S1).
Sources/Archives (1)
- <S1> SSF57736 Unpublished document: Newman, J.. 2016. Archaeological Evaluation Report: Land to the North and East of Hill Farm Road, Iken, Suffolk.
Finds (4)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Jul 17 2017 12:24PM