Monument record RGH 096 - Suffolk Business Park, Rougham Site, Bury St Edmunds -Field 1, Phase 1
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Grid reference | Centred TL 8947 6398 (906m by 549m) (4 map features) |
Map sheet | TL86SE |
Type and Period (11)
- DITCH (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)
- DITCH (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- DITCH (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- DITCH (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- DITCH (Unknown date)
- PIT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- PIT (Unknown date)
- HEARTH (Unknown date)
- PIT (Second World War - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
- CHALK PIT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- FIRE PIT (Second World War - 1939 AD to 1945 AD)
Full Description
2017: Evaluation revealed a surface find assemblage of worked flint . Several ditches located to the north-east and to the south-east contained an assemblage of Iron Age and Romano-British domestic pottery suggesting the features likely represent evidence for rural settlement within the vicinity. A number of medieval and post-medieval ditches and pits were also found. One of the projected ditch alignments is visible on aerial and historic mapping. The medieval features are relatively close to the medieval Battlies Green hamlet which could indicate that they are probably in the wider agricultural hinterland. Two large quarry pits were identified; many chalk and gravel extraction pits have been recorded in the area. It is also possible that these large pits may represent naturally infilled sinkholes, caused by subsidence of the natural chalk geology. Modern pit features were also identified which are likely to be associated with the functional use of RAF Bury St Edmunds (Rougham) during WW2. modern service trenches and building debris associated with the functional use of the airfield were identified; a former upstanding structure is visible on aerial mapping within the vicinity. The partial exposure of a large circular anomaly identified during the geophysical survey was found in Field 3 and is likely to represent a backfilled pit or bomb crater containing WW2 airfield debris. The feature was located in close proximity to former aircraft dispersal pints or hard-standings. Analysis of RAF vertical aerial photography of the airfield has shown a concentration of former Nissan huts located to the south in Field 4. Field 4 contained a small pit filled with several fragments of heavily corroded modern debris with charcoal and is likely to represent a FIDO fire pit used for the dispersal of thick fog. Several isolated by undated shallow pits and hearths were also found in Field 1, 2 and 4 (S1-S2)
Descriptions of some flint finds are broad, dating to a specific period bracket is ill-advised. However, they may be later Prehistoric, based on details of discovery, (S3).
Sources/Archives (3)
- <S1> SSF58170 Unpublished document: Nichol, M.. 2017. Archaeological Evaluation, Phase 1, Suffolk Business Park, Rougham Site, Bury St Edmunds.
- <S2> SSF59230 Article in serial: Minter, F., Rolfe, J. and Saunders, A.. 2019. Archaeology in Suffolk 2018, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History.
- <S3> SSF59348 Personal Correspondence: Cutler, Hannah. 2019. Personal Observations as part of the Enhancement of the Suffolk HER for the Palaeolithic & Mesolithic Periods project.
Finds (14)
- FSF46205: POTTERY (Iron Age - 800 BC to 42 AD)
- FSF46206: FLAKE (Prehistoric - 1000000 BC? to 42 AD?)
- FSF46207: BLADE (Mesolithic - 9000 BC to 4000 BC)
- FSF46208: MULTIPLE PLATFORM BLADE CORE (Prehistoric - 1000000 BC? to 42 AD?)
- FSF46209: AXEHEAD? (Neolithic - 4000 BC? to 2351 BC?)
- FSF46210: TILE (Medieval to IPS: Post Medieval - 1066 AD to 1900 AD)
- FSF46211: UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (Unknown date)
- FSF46212: POTTERY (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FSF46213: SCRAPER (TOOL) (Prehistoric - 1000000 BC? to 42 AD?)
- FSF46214: POTTERY (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- FSF46215: CLAY PIPE (SMOKING) (16th century to 19th century - 1500 AD to 1899 AD)
- FSF46216: BRICK (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- FSF46217: BURNT FLINT (Unknown date)
- FSF51061: AWL (Prehistoric - 1000000 BC? to 42 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Event - Interpretation: Enhancement of the Suffolk HER for the Palaeolithic & Mesolithic Periods (ESF26899)
- Event - Intervention: Evaluation - Suffolk Business Park, Bury St Edmunds (Rougham Site) (Ref: OASIS-cotswold2-278603) (ESF25477)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical Survey - Suffolk Business Park, Bury St Edmunds (Ref: OASIS-gsbprosp1-277254) (ESF25440)
Record last edited
Sep 23 2022 9:28AM