Monument record NEN 027 - Roman, Medieval, and Post Medieval rural activity at Land Adjacent Red House Farm, Sudbury Road, Newton

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Evidence of Roman, Medieval, and Post Medieval rural activity was found during an archaeological evaluation


Grid reference Centred TL 9130 4099 (88m by 98m)
Map sheet TL94SW


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Type and Period (10)

Full Description

2020: An archaeological evaluation revealed features of Roman, Medieval, and post medieval date.
Overall there was very little dating evidence from across the site. The presence of three sherds of Roman pottery from a single ditch at the north end of the site suggest that the earliest phase of human activity on the site was in the Romano-British period, perhaps associated with the Roman road c.400m to the west (NEN 002, SUF 102). A ditch on an east-west orientation located in the southern area of the site contained medieval pottery (primarily of 13th-14th century date) and appears to be a continuation of a ditch identified during an evalution adjacent to the south in 2019 (NEN 018). A pit or possible tree throw was also found to contain a reasonable quantity of medieval pottery again primarily of 13th to 14th century date. If this feature is a tree throw reused as a pit, then the dating evidence might suggest that some tree clearance took place on the site in the medieval period as a at least five other tree throws as well as several natural fetaures were also identified. Evidence of post medieval activity was represented by several ditches and pits. The evidence from this site is almost certainly a continuation of medieval and post medieval activity found adjacent to the south (NEN 018). (S1)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Hicks, E. and Pooley, L.. 2020. Archaeological evaluation: Land adjacent to Red House Farm, Sudbury Road, Newton.

Finds (5)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Sep 16 2022 8:37AM

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