Monument record PSG 001 - Chipley Abbey, Poslingford
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Grid reference | Centred TL 762 498 (219m by 141m) |
Map sheet | TL74NE |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
Priory of Blessed Virgin Mary, Chipley - remains of.
Small priory of Augustinian canons founded ante 1235. Had 3-4 canons at the most. In 1455 the buildings were in a ruinous state and in 1468 it was annexed to the College of Stoke-by-Clare (R1).
Conventual church or chapel entirely demolished in 1818. Previously it had been used as a cow-house. Many human bones and some stone coffins were disturbed by the workmen digging about the cemetery (R2).
Modern farmhouse known as Chipley Abbey occupies the site and incorporates a small part of the W range of monastic buildings. It is partly surrounded by a moat and two of the old fishponds remain. Some of the carved stones from the church destroyed in 1818 were removed to the rectory garden. In 1952 some 'very curious circular brick foundations of unknown significance' were discovered in a field to the W (R3).
? Whether the priory church incorporated or was partly a parish church - the advowson of the church of the manor was excepted from an alienation of Chipley manor to the Priory by Roger Normaund (R4).
In 1428 Chipley was listed as a parish with under 10 households (R5). For re-used stone from ?Chipley Abbey, also see Poslingford Church, PSG 003. Dovecote suggested by adjoining field name `Dovehouse Field' (S2 - plot 121).
Sources/Archives (9)
- <R1> SSF10371 (No record type): Knowles, D. & Hadcock, R.N.. 1971. Medieval Religious Houses: England and Wales (2nd ed). Knowles D & Hadcock R N, Med Relig Houses of Eng & Wales, 1971, 154.
- <S1> SSF50032 Index: OS. OS Card. OS, card TL74NE1.
- <R2> SSF15433 (No record type): Page A, Supplement to the Suff Traveller, 1844, 893.
- <S2> SSF56637 Map: 1842. Poslingford Tithe Map. Poslingford Tithe, 1841-2.
- <R3> SSF5150 (No record type): Dickinson P G M. Little Guide : Suffolk, 1957, 280-281.
- <S3> SSF59794 Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.
- <R4> SSF15537 (No record type): Patent Rolls, 17, Edward III, part 2, 15.
- <R5> SSF16604 (No record type): PRO E359, 27.
- <R6> SSF50048 Bibliographic reference: Victoria County History of Suffolk (Vol I 1911; Vol II 1907). VCH Suffolk, 2, 1907, 99.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Oct 8 2021 1:03PM