Monument record MNL 041 - Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints, including scrapers and a small stout axe. (Neo)
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Grid reference | Centred TL 6573 7694 (25m by 25m) Centred on |
Map sheet | TL67NE |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Small concentration of worked flints on sand ridge including scrapers and a small, complete, stout axe measuring 6.4 cms by 3.9 cms (S4). Cited findspot for axe of TL 657 776 (S1)(S2)(S3) incorrect, probably misreading of TL 657 770, correct 8 figure reference is TL 6573 7693 (S4). A small burnt flint patch (also recorded under BA), is located at the NE end of the sand ridge (S4). Adjoins scatter MNL 164 in field to S. Also BA.
Sources/Archives (4)
- <S1> SSF50070 Index: Ipswich Museum. IPSMG card. IPSMG, card Neo, 1968.
- <S2> SSF50042 Bibliographic reference: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Archaeol in Suff, 1968, PSIA, 31, 1968, (2), 196.
- <S3> SSF3390 (No record type): CBA, Group 7 Bulletin 15, 1968, 16.
- <S4> SSF15678 Unpublished document: Pendleton C F. 1987. Catalogue of finds and findspots,1965-1987, unpublished. Pendleton C F, Catalogue of Finds & Findspots, 1965-1987, unpublished.
Finds (2)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
May 14 2020 10:57AM