Monument record MNL 146 - Roman artefact scatter.

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Area of Rom finds scatter.


Grid reference Centred TL 6737 7687 (121m by 118m) Centred on
Map sheet TL67NE


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Area of Rom finds scatter. For excavation within this area, revealing building corner, pottery & coins and possible alternative findspot for the Mildenhall Treasure, see MNL 161 and MNL 231.
Previously numbered MNL 093.
1951: Sherds of Rom colour coated, combed ware, yellow mortaria rims, small bases and a few pieces of brick, oyster shells and old bones found after ploughing at TL 6737 7688 (position marked on 6 inch OS map by Lady G Briscoe, recorded by OS 1951)(S1).
1967: Singly perforated decorated Samian sherd (probably part of repair) found by C Pendleton at TL 6740 7682 (formerly MNL 069, cited map references incorrect)(S2)(S3)(S4).
Various Rom finds located during fieldwalking by C Pendleton including pottery, bone and oyster shells and segment of multi-piece comb (C4?). Finds & detail of findspots with MIHLM since circa 1980-1982 (S3)(R2). Immediately N of villa site, MNL 064. In fact surface scatter more concentrated and impressive at MNL 146 than on actual villa site, where finds very few and scattered (S3).

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <R1> Cartographic materials: MIHLM. 6 inch record map. MIHLM, 6 inch record map.
  • <S1> Index: OS. OS Card. OS, card TL67NE15.
  • <R2> (No record type): MIHLM, card.
  • <S2> Bibliographic reference: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Archaeol in Suff, 1967, PSIA, 31, 1967, (1), 80.
  • <S4> Index: Ipswich Museum. IPSMG card. IPSMG, card Mildenhall West Row Roman ? & later, 1967.

Finds (4)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Aug 19 2013 1:27PM

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