Monument record DUN 072 - World War II military site, including structures, pillboxes and trenches close to the cliffs.
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Grid reference | Centred TM 47679 68498 (153m by 395m) |
Map sheet | TM46NE |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
A military site (possibly a training site) can be seen as a structure close to Dunwich Cliffs to the east of Dunwich Heath on aerial photographs from 1940(S1) and 1941(S2). The site appears to be under construction in July 1940, as some of the structures do not appear to have roofs. By 1941, there are some trackways, a gun emplacement and 4 or 5 structures visible. Two of these structures may be square pillboxes (at TM47746843 & TM47726834). The features are still clearly visible on aerial photographs from 1945(S3), with more trenches having been constructed and a pair of hexagonal pillboxes standing at (TM47616848 & TM47656830). The area seems to be partially surrounded by a barbed wire obstruction, and there is a trackway joining a number of the buildings together, with another trackway heading off to the north. Many of the features are still extant on aerial photographs from 1952(S4), although some of the structures have had their roofs removed by this date.
Also seen as part of field survey of Suffolk Coast - concrete platform eroding from cliff edge. Approx 4m width. Cover of 40cm shingle/ballast. Pre-cast hollow concrete blocks covereing beach below. Further feature to S. Badly eroded and fragmentary - probable block house or pill box. S5
Sources/Archives (5)
- <S1> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. 2/BR11/14 FrmA24 8-Jul-1940.
- <S2> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. 2A/BR165 FrmsA44-A45 18-Nov-1941.
- <S3> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. 106G/UK929 Frms4166-4167 16-Oct-1945.
- <S4> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. 540/705 Frms5443-5444 9-Apr-1952.
- <S5> SSF50130 Unpublished document: Suffolk County Council Archaeologcial Service. 2003. Assessment Report, Rapid Field Survey of the Suffolk Coast and Intertidal Zone. Everett 2003.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
Record last edited
Sep 1 2011 5:18PM