Source/Archive record SSF50130 - Assessment Report, Rapid Field Survey of the Suffolk Coast and Intertidal Zone
Title | Assessment Report, Rapid Field Survey of the Suffolk Coast and Intertidal Zone |
Author/Originator | Suffolk County Council Archaeologcial Service |
Date/Year | 2003 |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service Report | 2003 |
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service MULTIPLEPARISHES3
Referenced Monuments (531)
- WLV 032 'V' shaped arrangement of posts heading from high water mark towards river. Large posts. 35m long x 9m wide (approx.) (Monument)
- SLY 108 'V' shaped post arrangements set on bend of river to prevent erosion. (Monument)
- WLD 044 10 posts in line against saltmarsh revetting against erosion. (Monument)
- WLD 088 2 hulks in saltmarsh. (Monument)
- ADB 056 2 lines of parallel posts, associated with out fall pipe next to sluice. (Monument)
- SUE 048 2 lines of posts, parallel, heading from saltmarsh into river. To W single post on low water line. To E, double posts with horizontal timber/bar be… (Monument)
- SUT 190 2 lines of posts, scant remains. (Monument)
- WBG 042 2 parallel lines of posts set c.5m apart. Starts c.10m from bank. Inaccessible. (Monument)
- FRS 025 2 Possible landing stage/pier/jetty (Monument)
- SUT 328 2 posts c.8m apart heading E-W. (Monument)
- COV 093 24 Modern tank blocks in a nonlinear formation, possibly a tank trap. (Monument)
- DUN 087 2m wide pit cut into natural sand of unknown date. (Monument)
- CHL 097 3 hulks, Pin Mill (Monument)
- WLB 058 3 large groynes, with vertical timbers set between, running parallel with bank behind. Groynes fairly modern, posts probably same - on bend in river… (Monument)
- WBG 184 3 posts approx. 20m apart showing at low tide level. Further 3 posts visible in channel. 1 pottery sherd from area (Monument)
- STU 097 3 posts, c.25m from bank. Equally spread, c.4m end to end. Quite large posts and probably pretty modern. SW-NE (Monument)
- ADB 055 3 rectangular pits, near sluice. (Monument)
- HLY 065 3 World War II pillboxes. (Monument)
- DUN 088 3m wide pit cut into the cliff top, square sided and full of broken glass and metalwork, of unknown date. (Monument)
- ADB 077 3m wide, low (30cm) bank c.6m river side of present bank. (Monument)
- CHL 098 4 hulks, Pin Mill (Monument)
- CHL 099 4 hulks, Pin Mill (Monument)
- STU 054 4 lines of parallel posts right on low water mark in front of slight raised area. Adjoins STU 055 - not clear how/if related. 150 long E-W (Monument)
- WLD 045 4 lines of posts running out from saltmarsh on W side. Also single line on opposite side of saltmarsh. (Monument)
- SUE 041 4/5 posts with parallel horizontal timbers. More may be visible at lower tide. Perpendicular to bank. (Monument)
- WLD 098 8 posts jutting out of mud in channel cutting saltmarsh. Possibly former bridge across heavily channelled saltmarsh. (Monument)
- WLB 037 A 4km stretch of sea bank is visible running along the southern edge of the River Blyth, skirting Tinker's Marshes (Monument)
- HLY 044 A Modern harbour structure near the entrance to Orford Haven. (Monument)
- BLB 045 A pair of small earthworks/structures west of Wolsey's Creek. (Monument)
- STU 105 A small depression, evidently a hearth, seen in the cliff face along the river Stour in 1946 by Basil Brown (Monument)
- SWD 034 A stretch of sea bank c1km in length on the southern edge of the River Blyth near Walberswick (Monument)
- ARG 033 A World War II Chain Home Extra Low Station K164 (Monument)
- ARG 025 A World War II coastal battery and associated features. (Monument)
- WLV 034 Alignment of posts. (Monument)
- WLV 036 Amorphous arrangement of posts, maybe associated with nearby outfall. Doesn't appear too old. (Monument)
- BAW 094 Anti Tank Scaffolding (Monument)
- WLV 057 Approx. 15m W of WLV 032. 4 posts, no obvious function. Inaccessible. (Un) (Monument)
- STU 050 Approximately circular arrangement of posts c.8m diameter of 16th to 19th century date (Monument)
- KIR 035 Archaeological feature of unknown date, consisting of areas of small timber. (Monument)
- KIR 034 Archaeological feature of unknown date, consisting of small posts running on the low tide line. (Monument)
- KIR 033 Archaeological feature of unknown date. (Monument)
- SUT 176 Area of possible wattle parallels on mud below eroded saltmarsh. Firm enough to walk on. Twigs and stakes emerging horizontally from mud and aligne… (Monument)
- FEX 198 Area rich in posts, possibly revetted, of unknown date. (Monument)
- SUT 180 Arrangement of wooden posts. Some fallen, some making 2 parallel lines. Mix of small and medium sized stakes. Inaccessible. Possibly associated w… (Monument)
- BNC 046 Artefact scatter of three posts in the beach, of uknown date. (Monument)
- NAC 135 Artefact scatter of unknown date, consisting of a double and a single post in intertidal mud (Monument)
- REY 049 As REY 046 but starts in front of recently revetted saltmarsh (Monument)
- FRS 042 Bank (earthwork), unknown date (Monument)
- ADB 050 Bank at base of present river wall, possibly breached in 1953. (Monument)
- CHL 033 Bank on the North West side of the old creek, of unknown date. (Monument)
- BNC 049 Beach Farm West (Monument)
- FRS 043 Blackheath Estate (Monument)
- BLB 054 Blythburgh Church (Monument)
- BLB 055 Blythburgh Church [near] (Monument)
- KIR 032 Boat hard of unknown date. (Monument)
- BOY 019 Boyton Dock (Monument)
- NAC 062 Brick culverts associated with oyster pits, of unknown date. (Monument)
- HLY 066 Bridge of unknown date set across wide channel through the saltmarsh, probably for access to World War II pillboxes. (Monument)
- HMY 055 Bridge of unknown date, consisitng of 4 upright posts linking 2 areas of saltmarsh (Monument)
- BLB 003 Bulcamp Marshes (Monument)
- COV 099 Cedars Field West (Monument)
- COV 100 Cedars Field West (Monument)
- COV 098 Cedars Field West (Monument)
- FEX 402 Collection of posts in a channel at the base of a bank with no obvious function but possibly a bridge, of unknown date (Monument)
- ADB 081 Collection of posts just in front of ADB 080. (Monument)
- SUT 342 Collection of posts, Ferry Cliff (Monument)
- WLB 057 Collection of quite tall timbers along edge of saltmarsh, only c.6m stretch. Horizontals also present, particularly underwater (river quite high at … (Monument)
- IKN 093 Complex of probable oyster pits of unknown date. (Monument)
- NAC 061 Concrete revetment of unknown date. (Monument)
- BAW 147 Continuous scatter of fossilised wood midway between high and low water. (Monument)
- HVL 011 Cottage Hide, Havergate Island (Monument)
- ORF 243 Disused oyster pits, Orford Quay (Monument)
- REY 047 Double post line heading into river from edge of saltmarsh. (Monument)
- STU 061 Double post line, far end enclosed by diagonal line forming probable jetty. c.3m wide, 18m long. (Monument)
- STU 060 Double post line, possible jetty. c.1m wide, 10m long. (Monument)
- WLD 043 Double post row from edge of saltmarsh - possible jetty. NB. cottages behind river wall. Various other mooring posts and modern jetty in saltmarsh.… (Monument)
- STU 059 Double row of posts. Single line 25m to W marked on MapInfo. (Monument)
- ORF 041 Earth banks visible as low earthworks in saltmarsh. Approx. 15m from existing wall. Runs to TM/44126/50575. Another section seen, open 'v' shaped. (Monument)
- EBV 045 Easton Bavents (Monument)
- HBK 022 Eroded bank of unknown date. (Monument)
- ARW 039 Erwarton Bay (Monument)
- ARW 038 Erwarton Ness (Monument)
- LCS 119 Extensive World War II beach scaffolding. (Monument)
- FLK 032 Falkenham Creek Wharf (Monument)
- FEX 197 Felixstowe Ferry (Monument)
- SUT 175 Ferry Cliff (Monument)
- SUT 172 Ferry Cliff (Monument)
- SUT 173 Ferry Cliff (Monument)
- SUT 174 Ferry Cliff (Monument)
- SUE 046 Ferry point (remains). 2 parallel lines of posts, c1.5m wide. (Monument)
- SNP 050 Flood defences and drainage built before 1837 and abandoned by 1943. (Monument)
- ADB 073 Former sea defence following present bank line. (Monument)
- WBG 041 Former sea defence. Line of closely set stakes with chalk rubble behind. Located at base of existing bank. (Monument)
- KIR 037 Former sea wall of unknown date. (Monument)
- WBG 043 Former Woodbridge sailing club pontoon c.1970. Various mooring posts to N of pontoon not individually recorded. (Monument)
- HMY 034 Fragment of an old sea wall of unknown date. (Monument)
- TYN 161 Fragments of possibly 2 hulks. Engine and timber work visible (Monument)
- STU 049 General area contains lots of posts, well spread out, only small amount of wood visible on surface in each case. No hope of understanding without pl… (Monument)
- CHL 096 General area of hulks and mooring posts/stages, Pin Mill (Monument)
- SUT 326 General spread of pits, various sizes and shapes (Monument)
- SUT 193 Girlings Hard (Monument)
- STU 047 Grahams Wharf (Monument)
- GED 013 Gravel hard and various timbers of unknown date. (Monument)
- STU 062 Gravel hard, c.8m wide with 35m visible from low water (at time) towards bank. Doesn't continue beyond low water. Occasional wooden stakes visible,… (Monument)
- MTN 090 Group of 3 Post Medieval hulks (Monument)
- CHL 100 Group of 4 hulks, Pin Mill (Monument)
- CHL 102 Group of 5 hulks, Pin Mill (Monument)
- MTN 046 Group of 5 Modern hulks. (Monument)
- ADB 051 Group of approximately 7(?) posts heading towards river. (Monument)
- BAW 149 Group of large, modern concrete blocks at mid-tide level, possibly anti-tank blocks. (Monument)
- STU 052 Group of posts forming approximate semi-circle. Not as clear as others - more eroded? (Monument)
- STU 079 Group of posts of 16th to 19th century date at Holbrook Bay (Monument)
- STU 046 Group of posts with larger posts on W side. Function unclear. (Monument)
- CHL 101 Group of three hulks, Pin Mill (Monument)
- ADB 021 Hall Farm Brickworks; Aldeburgh Brickworks; Read's Brickworks (Monument)
- NAC 068 Hard of unknown date. (Monument)
- SUT 196 Hard seen during rapid coastal survey 2002 (Monument)
- SLY 060 Hare's Creek (Monument)
- HVL 008 Havergate Island (Monument)
- HVL 003 Havergate Island (Monument)
- HVL 009 Havergate Island (Monument)
- HVL 010 Havergate Island (Monument)
- HVL 004 Havergate Island (Monument)
- HVL 005 Havergate Island (Monument)
- HVL 012 Havergate Island (Monument)
- HVL 006 Havergate Island (Monument)
- HVL 007 Havergate Island (Monument)
- STU 037 Holbrook Bay (Monument)
- ADB 079 Horizontal timbers visible in saltmarsh, laying diagonally. Possible remains of sea bank. (Monument)
- SUT 188 Horseshoe shaped post structure. Concrete/stone and posts mixed. Remains of bank (The Hams), section of which visible and photographed further back… (Monument)
- SLY 117 Hulk - sailing barge (Monument)
- ORF 248 Hulk eroding out of saltmarsh, Orford Ness (Monument)
- TYN 162 Hulk, modern. Wood laminate with glass fibre sheathing. 3.5m long (Monument)
- WBG 186 Hulk. Only bow and stern visible poking out of mud. 25m long (approx.) (Monument)
- IKN 020 Iken Cliff (Monument)
- ARW 037 Irregular double posts line c.3m wide, possible hard. (Monument)
- SUE 044 Irregular line of posts/stakes, c.6m long. Creek behind, may be to prevent erosion but no other obvious function. Inaccessible. (Monument)
- IKN 034 Irregular post alignment of unknown date heading from the saltmarsh towards the river. (Monument)
- SLY 111 Isolated posts and 3 groynes running out to intertidal mud. Probably of same age as groynes down river (Monument)
- NAC 064 Jetty of unknown date running out to low water mark (Monument)
- WBG 037 Kingston Quay (Monument)
- WBG 040 Kyson Hill (Monument)
- WBG 185 Kyson Point (Mod) (Monument)
- WBG 047 Kyson Point (Monument)
- WBG 048 Kyson Point (Monument)
- TYY 082 Large anchor, Felixstowe Docks (Monument)
- HRK 063 Large ditch of unknown date, visible in section in an eroded cliff face. (Monument)
- ADB 049 Large hulk possibly attached to adjacent jetty. (Monument)
- ORF 253 Large metal object, Orford Ness (Monument)
- SLY 112 Large square cut in saltmarsh. Probably old dock. (Monument)
- SUT 331 Large timber and plank. Isolated. No obvious interpretation. Probably just accidental positioning. C.20m from bank. (Monument)
- SUT 337 Large vessel, reasonable condition. Modern, painted, moored next to modern jetty (Monument)
- ARG 053 Layers showing in cliff face. (Monument)
- HBK 023 Length of bank of unknown date. (Monument)
- TYN 092 Levington (Monument)
- LVT 071 Levington Creek (Mod) (Monument)
- LVT 041 Levington Creek (Monument)
- SNH 015 Levington Creek (Monument)
- LVT 039 Levington Creek (Monument)
- LVT 040 Levington Creek (Monument)
- SNH 014 Levington Marina (Monument)
- SNH 030 Levington Marina. Formerly recorded as SNH Misc (Monument)
- SUT 045 Line od six posts, Ferry Cliff (Monument)
- FRT 057 Line of 6 posts heading NNW, Freston Tower (Monument)
- WLD 097 Line of 8 posts, along E side of channel in saltmarsh. SW-NE (Monument)
- SUT 327 Line of approx. 9 posts starting in saltmarsh and extending towards river in E-W direction for c.10-15m. (Monument)
- ADB 084 Line of at least 20 posts, closely placed, starting within old bank, heading out to river. (Monument)
- SUE 043 Line of bank similar to SUE 037. Runs for c37m. c.3 wide N-S (Monument)
- RMS 064 Line of c.7 posts 10m long (Monument)
- SUT 194 Line of double posts with few random isolated posts around. On (close to) Sutton/Shottisham boundary line. E-W (Monument)
- SUT 336 Line of four posts, heading NNW out from saltmarsh for approx. 6m, each set approx. 2m from previous (Monument)
- ADB 072 Line of heavily eroded posts parallel to bank, poss. assoc. with earlier river defence or stabilising now eroded salt marsh. (Monument)
- REY 053 Line of large round timbers in corner of channel (Monument)
- BAW 138 Line of large upright round timbers, probably meant to protect saltmarsh and bank behind. (Monument)
- REY 051 Line of large upright timbers with planks attached and facing as if a wharf. Running just in front of saltmarsh edge. (Monument)
- WLV 035 Line of posts approx. 35m from bank. (Monument)
- ADB 083 Line of posts emerging from bank. (Monument)
- ORF 039 Line of posts heading from bank to river for approx. 10, Heavily eroded. Marks end of bank GED 012 - all part of same defence line. (Monument)
- ADB 074 Line of posts heading from salt marsh into river. (Monument)
- STU 056 Line of posts running c.8m from and approximately parallel to cliff. Runs for c.20m along beach. Another line of same, c20m in length ends at TM/15… (Monument)
- WLV 033 Line of posts running just at base of cliff - former defences. (Monument)
- ADB 078 Line of posts with parallel line to West. (Monument)
- ADB 082 Line of posts, closely placed, emerging from bank 31 for some 5m. (Monument)
- BNT 036 Line of posts, irregularly set, of uknown date. (Monument)
- REY 046 Line of posts, part of former line of defence (Monument)
- STU 058 Line of posts, quite large. Starts c.15m from cliff, situated on slightly raised gravel outcrop, possibly man-made in relation to post structure (un… (Monument)
- BLB 136 Line of posts, randomly spaced, of unknown date (Monument)
- BAW 142 Line of tank blocks heading west from beach into manor grounds. (Monument)
- REY 048 Line of well rotted posts, c.7m total length. (Monument)
- SUT 179 Lines of parallel posts. Posts set c.50cm apart and c.40cm between lines. (Monument)
- FEX 201 Lines of posts of unknown date. (Monument)
- ADB 071 Lines of timber posts. (Monument)
- SUE 045 Lines of wooden posts. See map. Thought to be fairly modern - silt traps/oyster beds/groynes. (Monument)
- SUT 183 Little Haddon Hall (Monument)
- SUT 184 Little Haddon Hall (Monument)
- SUT 181 Little Haddon Hall (Monument)
- SUT 182 Little Haddon Hall (Monument)
- WLB 060 Low bank. Runs straight across inlet where land rises further back from river. c.3 wide WSW-ENE (Monument)
- IKN 031 Low oval mound of unknown date. (Monument)
- RMS 050 Low remains of bank. 3m wide x 25m long (approx.) N-S (Monument)
- RMS 051 Low square earthwork directly in front of sea bank. 6m x 6m (approx.) (Monument)
- GED 010 Low, oval mound of unknown date. (Monument)
- BLB 053 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
- COV 091 Medieval pit showing in te cliff edge, adjacent to road in cliff. (Monument)
- MTN 050 Melton Picnic Site (Monument)
- MTN 051 Melton Quay (Monument)
- WLD 089 Metal hulk. 10m long (approx.) (Monument)
- SUT 185 Methersgate Quay (Monument)
- COV 089 Modern 9 gang drainage pipe, C20th. (Monument)
- ARG 054 Modern balcony and garden terraces of a large 20th Century house. (Monument)
- BAW 145 Modern brick and concrete blockhouse on cliff top. (Monument)
- MRM 070 Modern brick sluice. (Monument)
- MRM 186 Modern carvel built vessel with decking gone and hull broken (Monument)
- ADB 248 Modern clinker built hulk with square transom (Monument)
- NAC 138 Modern clinker built vessel (Monument)
- NAC 063 Modern concrete and iron steps. (Monument)
- MTN 091 Modern hulk (Monument)
- MTN 092 Modern hulk (Monument)
- KIR 083 Modern hulk in the mud, possibly a wreck (Monument)
- BAW 144 Modern iron pillar set into a bronze and iron collar with rotating platform. (Monument)
- HVL 014 Modern iron vessel, Havergate Island (Monument)
- MRM 071 Modern jetty, consisting of posts. (Monument)
- HRK 062 Modern post alignment, consisting of a row of large posts running from the bank into the water, possibly a fence or boundary line. (Monument)
- GED 076 Modern post group directly in front of an oyster pit (Monument)
- LCS 132 Modern ship's mast mounted in a metal sheath, possibly a lookout post. (Monument)
- MRM 073 Modern sluice with earlier timber phases still visible. (Monument)
- GED 011 Modern sluice. (Monument)
- BAW 146 Modern squared piles driven into shingle, to protect cliff face. (Monument)
- COV 090 Modern stone and brick rubble, probably a hardcore for a roadway. (Monument)
- SUT 043 Modern vessel, Ferry Cliff (Monument)
- ADB 250 Modern wreck of an iron vessel with stainless steel fittings (Monument)
- NAC 059 Nacton Picnic Site (Monument)
- LVT 042 Nacton Shores (Monument)
- NAC 057 Nacton Shores (Monument)
- NAC 058 Nacton Shores (Monument)
- FEX 400 Narrow Post Medieval bridge across the channel to the saltmarsh (Monument)
- SNP 048 New England Farm (Monument)
- SNP 046 New England Farm (Monument)
- BNT 033 New Mill Creek (Monument)
- WLB 122 Old gate posts on mud. Modern (Monument)
- HMY 036 Old revetment of unknown date, consisting of some upright timbers and some horizontal. (Monument)
- BAW 148 Old sea defence - earth bank with rough concrete facing branching out from existing wall . (Monument)
- WLD 039 Old sluice - upright and horizontal timbers, some with slots. C.6m to N is old ladder/steps from a boat. Deeply set in accreting slits. (Monument)
- REY 054 Old sluice gate. (Monument)
- BUT 037 Old sluice of unknown date. (Monument)
- ORF 049 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 050 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 042 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 043 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 051 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 044 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 052 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 045 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 053 Orford Ness (Monument)
- SUE 053 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 046 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 047 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 048 Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 247 Orford Ness (PMed) (Monument)
- SUE 047 Oval mound. Very similar to IKN 031. NNW-SSE. 2m x 5m x 0.4m high (approx.) (Monument)
- FLK 048 Oyster pits and feeding channels of unknown date (Monument)
- CHL 103 Painted wooden boat, Pin Mill (Monument)
- WBG 046 Paired or triple posts running in curve out from bank and around saltmarsh. (Monument)
- HRK 060 Palace Quay (Monument)
- SUE 052 Parallel lines of posts (up to 6 lines) with perpendicular lines set every (approx.) 4m heading out to river. Eroding out of or set into edge of sal… (Monument)
- BAW 140 Parallel lines of posts heading from channel into saltmarsh. (Monument)
- SUT 189 Parallel lines of posts, probably remains of jetty. Starts on shore in front of reeds. 40m long (approx.) (Monument)
- WLD 037 Parallel lines of round posts across channel in saltmarsh. Set diagonally pointing in towards each other - suggests might not be a bridge but don't … (Monument)
- ADB 075 Parallel post lines, Jetty or more likely outfall. (Monument)
- STU 045 Parallel rows of posts c.3.5m apart, with extra posts (including rectangular structure) to W side. Approx. 80m long, starts c.40m from cliff. N-S (Monument)
- SUT 178 Peaty surface eroded out of mud, c.9m from marsh. Wood poking out. 3m x 7m. (Monument)
- REY 050 Planks and posts set largely as arc but some isolated. (Monument)
- FRS 072 Posiible pit with possible wooden structures, unknown date (Monument)
- ORF 255 Possible hulk, Orford Ness (Monument)
- SLY 116 Possible hulks at various points (Monument)
- SLY 110 Possible linear alignments of posts in intertidal mud (Monument)
- BNC 045 Possible modern road. (Monument)
- ADB 076 Possible relict bank c20m from present one. (Monument)
- IKN 030 Possible remains of a bank of unknown date. (Monument)
- SNP 045 Possible remains of footbridge or river crossing at New England Farm. (Monument)
- SUT 138 Possible remains of quay, Methersgate Quay, Sutton (Monument)
- SNP 044 Possible wharf/jetty. (Monument)
- BAW 109 Possible World War II Pillbox. (Monument)
- CHF 016 Post alignment across channel, of unknown date. (Monument)
- BNT 079 Post alignment of closely placed vertical timbers of uknown date, possibly the remains of a dock. (Monument)
- BUT 098 Post alignment of three posts of unknown date (Monument)
- IKN 025 Post alignment of unknown date consisting of lines of posts set across and within the curve in the sea wall. (Monument)
- HRK 059 Post alignment of unknown date on the low water mark. (Monument)
- HRK 057 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of 3-4 parallel lines of posts. (Monument)
- GED 078 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of 4 posts by the waterline and 1 isolated post closer to the saltmarsh (Monument)
- GED 077 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of 5 posts (Monument)
- MRM 069 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of 8 posts against the saltmarsh. (Monument)
- NAC 071 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of a curved line of posts. (Monument)
- FLK 029 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of a double line of posts parallel with the bank. (Monument)
- HBK 024 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of a double row of posts at the edge of the saltmarsh. (Monument)
- MRM 074 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of a ouble row of close set posts running out from the reed beds. (Monument)
- MRM 188 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of a short line of 5 posts (Monument)
- NAC 067 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of a single line of large posts running out to low water mark. (Monument)
- NAC 070 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of a single line of posts running into the intertidal mud. (Monument)
- HLY 072 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of revetting posts set along the edge of the saltmarsh. (Monument)
- GED 009 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of rows of revetting posts. (Monument)
- GED 014 Post alignment of unknown date, consisting of vertically set timbers. (Monument)
- HRK 058 Post alignment of unknown date, just visible above low water. (Monument)
- MTN 045 Post alignment of unknown date, parallel to the bank. (Monument)
- IKN 029 Post alignment of unknown date, perpendicular to the bank, possibly former defences. (Monument)
- HMY 037 Post alignment of unknown date, possibly an old sea wall. (Monument)
- IKN 026 Post alignment of unknown date, presumably set as a breakwater. (Monument)
- IKN 032 Post alignment of unknown date, probably added defence for the bend on the river wall. (Monument)
- HBK 025 Post alignment of unknown date, stretching from the beach to the river. (Monument)
- IKN 027 Post alignment of unknown date, visible as post or stake lines. (Monument)
- IKN 033 Post alignment of unknown date, visible at low water mark. (Monument)
- NAC 065 Post alignment of unknown date. (Monument)
- NAC 066 Post alignment of unknown date. (Monument)
- FRS 039 Post alignment on river side of old bank (Monument)
- FEX 398 Post Built structure of unknown date, consisiting of 4 posts with horizontal timber joining (Monument)
- ADB 070 Post built structure, possible tank. (Monument)
- CHF 017 Post group associated with quay in front of the quarry of unknown date. (Monument)
- HBK 021 Post group in the 'ay' of Holbrook bay of unknown date, in no specific pattern but possibly related to mooring. (Monument)
- FRS 073 Post group of 3 posts and one collapsed post (Monument)
- BOY 021 Post group of metal posts and vertical planks of uknown date. (Monument)
- IKN 138 Post group of unknown date, associated with agricultural land (Monument)
- HMY 065 Post group of unknown date, consisiting of upright posts (Monument)
- FEX 401 Post group of unknown date, consisting of 2 posts set in channel in front of a bank (Monument)
- GED 008 Post group of unknown date, consisting of 6 or 7 posts forming a recatngle with other individual posts set around it. (Monument)
- KIR 084 Post group of unknown date, consisting of 6 randomly spaced posts in intertidal mud (Monument)
- IKN 028 Post group of unknown date, consisting of approximately 20 posts. (Monument)
- HLY 069 Post group of unknown date, consisting of square timber posts heading out south from the river bank. (Monument)
- HMY 054 Post group of unknown date, consisting of upright and horizontal stakes (Monument)
- IPS 418 Post group of unknown date, forming a linear feature running into the water. (Monument)
- MTN 047 Post group of unknown date, including parallel lines of posts. (Monument)
- FLK 031 Post group of unknown date, probably revetments or possibly an old bank. (Monument)
- MTN 049 Post group of unknown day in a V shape. (Monument)
- FRS 040 Post group on river side of old bank, unknown date (Monument)
- FRS 041 Post group on river side of old bank, unknown date (Monument)
- BNT 037 Post group visible in channel through mud, of uknown date. (Monument)
- FRS 038 Post group, linear and random, unknown date (Monument)
- WLD 042 Post line stretching for approx. 250m. Set on intertidal line. Possibly an old bank to protect saltmarsh. (Possible crab traps - plastic). (Monument)
- WBG 044 Post lines associated with river wall - two phases visible running parallel with each other and in line with existing wall to corner. From corner up… (Monument)
- MTN 087 Post Medieval barge with a pontoon built over the top (Monument)
- HMY 017 Post Medieval boat hard. (Monument)
- KIR 023 Post Medieval breakwater in the Deben Estuary. (Monument)
- MTN 088 Post Medieval hulks of 3 vessels (Monument)
- BNT 034 Post Medieval kiln. (Monument)
- KIR 024 Post Medieval landing pier. (Monument)
- MRM 076 Post Medieval landing point. (Monument)
- HMY 019 Post Medieval or Modern landing point and access channel. (Monument)
- SLY 064 Post Medieval oyster pits to the north-east of Crane's Creek, Shotley parish (Monument)
- SUT 131 Post Medieval pier at Stonner Point, Sutton parish (Monument)
- SNP 076 Post Medieval quay north of Church Reach. (Monument)
- MTN 048 Post Medieval quay. (Monument)
- NAC 060 Post Medieval red bricks eroding from cliff face. (Monument)
- BLB 047 Post Medieval sea banks to the north of the River Blyth around Bulcamp Marshes. (Monument)
- SLY 067 Post Medieval wattle sluice structures in the intertidal zone, Shotley parish. (Monument)
- CHF 018 Posts and rubble and the remains of an old bank immediately in front of an existing one, all f unknown date. (Monument)
- WLD 095 Posts and timbers emerging from saltmarsh at end of creek. Looks like possible former drain (Monument)
- STU 055 Posts in parallel lines. All kinds of posts, stakes, planks and timbers forming lines and hard. Adjoins STU 054 - not clear how/if related. NNW-SSE (Monument)
- FEX 199 Posts or revetting in a channel at the base of the bank with two short stretches of uprights posts, of unknown date. (Monument)
- WLB 059 Posts running along S edge of creek as far as small modern jetty (distance of c.60m). Modern - holding in concrete re-inforced bank and including co… (Monument)
- ORF 249 Posts, Orford Ness (Monument)
- WBG 179 Posts, possibly forming jetty or footbridge between two saltmarsh islands. Inaccessible, viewed from c25m away on bank. (Monument)
- NAC 139 Probable Modern hulk at low water mark (Monument)
- WLD 096 Probable oyster pit. 0.5m x 3m. SSW-NNE (Monument)
- SUE 050 Pump House (Monument)
- SUE 049 Pump House (Monument)
- BNT 035 Quay and posts of uknown date. (Monument)
- IKN 008 R. Alde estuary (Rom) (Monument)
- BAW 119 RAF Bawdsey (Monument)
- BUT 035 Raised bank of unknown date. (Monument)
- ORF 244 Range of hilks, Orford Quay (Monument)
- ADB 237 Reade's Brickworks (Monument)
- SNP 139 Rectangular pit, New England Farm (Monument)
- HRK 107 Remains of 3 planks of unkown date sticking out of the shore (Monument)
- ADB 054 Remains of a bank. (Monument)
- WLD 094 Remains of a boat in channel in saltmarsh. (Monument)
- WLD 093 Remains of a boat in creek in saltmarsh (Monument)
- HLY 070 Remains of a bridge of unknown date set across a channel in the saltmarsh, consisting of closely set parallel lines of posts. (Monument)
- HLY 074 Remains of a Modern concrete road, partially fallen into the sea. (Monument)
- LCS 133 Remains of a possible Modern wreck or groyne buried in shingle. (Monument)
- BUT 038 Remains of a post built structure, possibly a bridge or sheep walk, across a saltmarsh channel, of unknown date. (Monument)
- MRM 072 Remains of a river wall of unknown date. (Monument)
- IKN 035 Remains of a sluice of unknown date with timber revetting along the east side of the channel. (Monument)
- GED 007 Remains of an earth bank of unknown date. (Monument)
- ADB 053 Remains of bank and post group. (Monument)
- SUE 037 Remains of bank running from existing bank. 3m wide x 0.4 high x 40 long SW-NE (Monument)
- SUE 051 Remains of bank visible as timbers eroding out of saltmarsh at start point and various other places and where saltmarsh eroded less, as earthen bank … (Monument)
- WLD 035 Remains of former sea defence, consisting of 2 lines of parallel upright posts set c2.5m apart. (Monument)
- HVL 013 Remains of modern wooden boat, Havergate Island (Monument)
- SNP 047 Remains of possible causeway (Monument)
- STU 048 Remains of quite large posts set in slightly curving line. Roughly N-S (Monument)
- SUT 044 Remains of sailing vessel, Ferry Cliff (Monument)
- SNH 043 Remains of wooden broads type cruiser, Levington Creek (Monument)
- SLY 118 Remains of wooden vessel (Monument)
- WLV 038 Remnant of old bank running NE-SW across saltmarsh. Shows as raised, grassy vegetation. Runs to TM/20010/38641. (Monument)
- SUT 192 Reverse 'L' shaped collection of posts with a few horizontal timbers visible. (Monument)
- WLD 038 Revetting posts of bank in tidal mud and eroding out of bank/saltmarsh. Set at angle and quite close together. (Monument)
- SUE 040 Revetting stakes holding in rubble core of former/eroding sea defence. May be contemporary with SUE 039 but unclear. Starts c.5m from bank at S end… (Monument)
- CHL 035 Revetting to bank with tough upright and horizontal timbers, of unkown date. (Monument)
- MTN 089 roup of 4 Post Medieval hulks (Monument)
- SUE 038 Row of a least 4 posts emerging from mud, maybe more visible at lower tide. Probably part of SUE 037 eroded away between. SW-NE (Monument)
- SUE 179 Row of about 5 posts/small stakes. Row c.1 long NNW-SSE (Monument)
- STU 057 Row of posts, 6 large timbers. C.25m from cliff. 14.5 long NNE-SSW (Monument)
- FLK 047 Row of revetting of unknown date with stakes eroding out of the base of the bank (Monument)
- SUE 039 Row of stakes, possibly associated with SUE 037 and 038. Relationship with SUE 040 unclear - may be associated or maybe earlier. 8m long (approx.) … (Monument)
- SUT 186 Rows of posts either side of sluice SUT 185. C.18m in total. Revetting of former bank. (Monument)
- IKN 024 Rubble and timber or stake bank of unknown date. (Monument)
- IKN 023 Saltern of unknown date. (Monument)
- SNP 023 Saltings (Monument)
- SUT 334 Scant remains of modern boat (Monument)
- SLY 109 Scatter of posts which seem unrelated to groynes. (Monument)
- FLK 030 Sea defence of unknown date, consisting of wooden posts, chalk and rubble lumps. (Monument)
- HRK 061 Second World War brick pillboxes, probable RADIATOR unrotated projectile site, Nether Hall, Hakstead (Monument)
- BAW 150 Section of cliff face exposed - silt/muds and shingle visible. (Monument)
- ADT 060 Section of sea wall adjoining current wall, on old beach which is now grassland. (Monument)
- TYN 163 Section of undated planking, Levington (Monument)
- WLD 090 Series of posts against saltmarsh - mooring? (Monument)
- SLY 105 Series of posts and horizontal timbers within area of groynes. Probably pre-dates but no obvious purpose. (Monument)
- ORF 209 Series of rectangular post built structures, either oyster pits, eroded sea wall/extra defence or silt traps. (Monument)
- CHL 036 Several phases of old hard, linear clusters of postes and concrete blocks, of unknown date. (Monument)
- STU 051 Shaped piece of timber. Scooped out section. Approx. 40cm long. Possibly part of STU 052. 0.4m x 0.15m (Monument)
- CHL 034 Short stretch of bank running from an existing wall to the North East edge of the saltmarsh, of unknown date. (Monument)
- SLY 102 Shotley (Monument)
- SLY 103 Shotley (Monument)
- SLY 104 Shotley (Monument)
- SLY 101 Shotley Gate (Monument)
- ADB 052 Silted up very 'square' pit - looks man made. (Monument)
- SUT 330 Single post c.40m from bank (mid tide level, approx.). Circular c.15cm diameter. Upright (Monument)
- SUT 335 Single post near low water mark (Monument)
- BUT 098 Single timber post of unknown date, set across channel (Monument)
- ADB 047 Slaughden Yacht Club (Monument)
- ADB 249 Slaughden Yacht Club (Monument)
- ADB 048 Slaughden Yacht Club (Monument)
- SUT 187 Slight remains of groyne eroding out of foreshore. (Monument)
- HMY 035 Sluice of unknown date. (Monument)
- BAW 139 Sluice. (Monument)
- BAW 216 Small modern boat in the channel in saltmarsh (Monument)
- ORF 252 Small modern hulk, Orford Ness (Monument)
- GED 075 Small Modern rowing boat at the end of a line of posts (Monument)
- CHL 094 Small post group at low water mark, of unknown date (Monument)
- SNP 136 Small post in channel, New England Farm (Monument)
- TUN 021 Snape Maltings (Monument)
- STU 053 Spread of timbers, only slight remains. One possible line but otherwise difficult to interpret. (Monument)
- ADB 246 Square depression in mud, possible oyster pit (Monument)
- ADB 247 Square pit, probable oyster pit (Monument)
- ORF 040 Square, concrete pill box. (Monument)
- WLV 037 Stacked and mortared tiles visible in eroded cliff. Whole stretch of beach covered in tile. R. Simper (River Orwell) - 1953 floods revealed kilns be… (Monument)
- SUT 191 Stonner Point (Monument)
- IKN 019 Stretch of bank of unknown date. (Monument)
- DUN 075 Stretch of World War II barbed wire obstruction on the beach. (Monument)
- FRS 057 Structure (post alignment), unknown date and function (Monument)
- IKN 021 The Anchorage (Monument)
- IKN 022 The Anchorage (Monument)
- BOY 020 Three large Modern concrete pillboxes/ gun emplacements. (Monument)
- FEX 200 Three Modern concrete tank blocks with timber revetting around. (Monument)
- COV 087 Three possible ditches in cliff face, of unknown date, possibly tree bowls. (Monument)
- ADB 236 Three posts in a line at the west end of and part of very dubious bank remains (Monument)
- SNP 138 Three rectangular pits, New England Farm (Monument)
- STU 038 Three semi-circular post structure of possible 16th to 19th century date at Holbrook Bay (Monument)
- HRK 108 Timber of unknown date, laying in the foreshore (Monument)
- GED 012 Timber posts and rubble bank remains of unknown date. (Monument)
- ADB 088 Timber structure, possibly a landing stage. (Monument)
- REY 052 Timbers set upright in water and on mud behind where rectangular beds created in front of bank. Brushwood bundles included to help trap silt. (Monument)
- ADB 080 Triangular timbers jutting out from sea defences and a small jetty amongst triangular timbers. (Monument)
- ORF 250 Tuesday of Rochester hulk, Orford Ness (Monument)
- SNH 044 Two hulks, Levington Creek (Monument)
- NAC 136 Two large Post Medieval rectangular pits (Monument)
- TYN 091 Two lines of upright posts heading out to low water mark. Some posts surviving to height to 2m. Distance between lines approx. 8m. Various posts i… (Monument)
- SLY 107 Two lines of very parallel posts running for approx. 10m. Also slight evidence of earlier hard running at an angle from end of present hard. (Monument)
- IKN 139 Two Modern gate posts, suggesting the area was once farmland (Monument)
- ORF 254 Two modern hulks, Orford Ness (Monument)
- ORF 251 Two modern hulks, Orford Ness (Monument)
- COV 092 Two Modern pits or trenches. (Monument)
- BUT 036 Two parallel lines of posts, probably a jetty, of unknown date but probably quite modern. (Monument)
- SNP 137 Two parallel timbers visible in base of creek, New England Farm (Monument)
- SUE 183 Two parallel wooden objects emerging from mud. c50cm apart. Inaccessible. 4 long (approx.) (Monument)
- NAC 069 Two Pillboxes forming a RADIATOR Unrotated Projectile system site, Nacton (Monument)
- SLY 106 Two post lines in front of bank. Also showing at further upriver parallel to bank and post line out to river. 7m long (approx.) (Monument)
- WBG 045 Two post lines running from river wall. (Monument)
- FRS 068 Two post-medieval mooring posts, Blackheath Estate (Monument)
- SUE 178 Two posts (Monument)
- WLD 099 Two posts in channel through saltmarsh. NNE-SSW (Monument)
- SNP 135 Two posts in channel, New England Farm (Monument)
- SNP 123 Two stakes or one split post. Set at angle, pointing inland as though part of an old sea wall but no other evidence of defences. C10m (Monument)
- ARG 032 Two World War II strongpoints on Thorpeness Common. (Mod) (Monument)
- CHL 095 Undated planked and round timbers, Pin Mill (Monument)
- HRK 106 Undated post alignment, Nethergate Hall (Monument)
- MRM 187 Undated posts along Martlesham creek (Monument)
- WLD 086 Undated posts, Waldringfield (Monument)
- RMS 063 Undated, possible boat hard or jetty (Monument)
- NAC 137 Unidentified object on the mud at low water, possibly a hulk of unknown date (Monument)
- RMS 049 Upright posts and horizontal planks in front of small channel. Possibly old sluice/outfall? (Monument)
- WLD 036 Upright timbers (3 parallel rows) with horizontal timbers between two rows closest to bank. Corrugated iron/asbestos also set in with these horizont… (Monument)
- SUT 339 V badly degraded and broken ship. Wooden, approx. 25m from salt marsh. Inaccessible, dimensions unknown (Monument)
- SUT 338 V slight remains of boat. Wood with thin ribs and bronze/copper nails. Approximate location only. (Mod) (Monument)
- SUE 042 Various lines of posts. (Monument)
- SUT 329 Various posts, Methersgate Quay (Monument)
- WLV 031 Various small stakes/posts, no obvious pattern, possibly only remains of larger structure. On high water line. (Monument)
- SUT 340 Very badly degraded wooden vessel. Iron fittings. By low water mark and inaccessible. C.25m from saltmarsh (Monument)
- SUT 332 Very little left of wooden hulk, iron fittings. Not very old (Monument)
- WLD 040 Waldringfield (Monument)
- WLD 041 Waldringfield (Monument)
- COV 101 Warren House North (Monument)
- SUT 177 Wattling visible in mud. Possible trackway? Pottery sherd picked up from wattling. Close to SUT 176. Possibly behind old wall and ditch. 6m x 7m… (Monument)
- KIR 036 Wharf of unknown date. (Monument)
- ADB 235 Wooden 'plank' visible poking out of saltmarsh c30-40cm below marsh surface (Monument)
- WLD 087 Wooden hulk, Waldringfield (Monument)
- SUT 333 Wooden vessel, thin ribs, copper/bronze nails and screws. Little left. 10m long (Monument)
- WLV 030 Woolverstone Marina (Monument)
- BNC 027 World War II anti tank cube line along the beaches. (Monument)
- LCS 128 World War II anti-invasion beach defences. (Monument)
- LCS 129 World War II anti-invasion coastal defences. (Monument)
- LCS 088 World War II anti-tank cubes. (Monument)
- LCS 122 World War II anti-tank cubes. (Monument)
- BAW 062 World War II anti-tank cubes. (Monument)
- COV 088 World War II barbed wire obstruction and support stakes intermittent along the cliff. (Monument)
- HLY 067 World War II beach defences, consisting of diagonally set lines of metal poles. (Monument)
- BAW 143 World War II concrete platform set into cliff face. (Monument)
- HLY 068 World War II hexagonal concrete pillbox with a single firing slot on each side. (Monument)
- BAW 141 World War II hexagonal concrete pillbox within the boundary of Bawdsey Manor. (Monument)
- BAW 098 World War II military features. (Monument)
- DUN 072 World War II military site, including structures, pillboxes and trenches close to the cliffs. (Monument)
- HLY 071 World War II pillbox set into the sea wall. (Monument)
- HLY 073 World War II pillbox, non standard design. (Monument)
- BAW 086 World War II strongpoint , now fallen into the sea (Monument)
- LCS 116 World War II strongpoint and a possible experimental radar station. (Monument)
- BAW 087 World War II strongpoint, fallen into the sea. (Monument)
- HLY 051 World War II strongpoint. (Monument)
- ADT 050 World War II strongpoint. (Monument)
- BNC 063 World War II strongpoint. (Monument)
- FEX 159 World War II Strongpoint. (Monument)
- BAW 095 World War II tank trap. (Monument)
- BAW 082 WWI Pillbox and Beach scaffolding, now fallen into the sea. (Monument)
Referenced Events (2)
Record last edited
Jan 7 2025 3:54PM