Monument record LCS 093 - Fragment of Post Medieval sea bank.
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Grid reference | Centred TM 46544 66467 (619m by 312m) |
Map sheet | TM46NE |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
A fragment of sea bank, c 400m long, can be seen as an earthwork on Minsmere Level on 1945 aerial photographs (S1). It is much less clearly defined and more fragmentary than the bank visible to the south of it (LCS 092), thus making it more likely that it is older. The bank also follows roughly the same alignment as the more southerly one suggesting that it was replaced by the 'newer' looking bank (LCS 092). The more northerly segment of bank is likely to be of post-medieval date, especially as it is not depicted on the OS county 1st series 25" map of c1884, although it could even be of medieval date.
February 2015. Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Beauty National Mapping Programme.
The polygon of this site has been extended to include the location of further elements of this bank visible on aerial photographs (S2-S3), but not mapped due to lack of time and project scope.
S. Horlock (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 18th February 2015.
Sources/Archives (3)
- <S1> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. 106G/UK929 Frms4209-4210 16-Oct-1945.
- <S2> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. US/7GR/LOC355 RS 4053 30-MAY-1944 (EHA Laser Copy).
- <S3> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. MAL/75039 V 046-047 07-JUN-1975 (EHA Original Print).
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Event - Interpretation: 'Sensitivity to Access' assessment for Natural England Coastal Access project, February 2016. (ESF23524)
- Event - Interpretation: Suffolk Coast and Intertidal Zone NMP Project (EXS18033)
- Event - Interpretation: TM46NE. Mapping Block 1: Walberswick to Aldeburgh. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB (ESF23167)
Record last edited
Jul 10 2015 12:36PM