Monument record ADB 109 - A World War II coastal strongpoint.

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A World War II coastal strongpoint, Aldeburgh


Grid reference Centred TM 46628 57331 (50m by 62m)
Map sheet TM45NE


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

A World War II strongpoint is visible on aerial photographs just to the east of 'The Gunsite', Aldeburgh, centred on TM46625734. On 1940 photography a probable pillbox is visible centred on circa TM46605735, on the western side of Thorpe Road (S1). By 1941, the pillbox has either been moved, or replaced by a pillbox on the eastern side of the road at circa 46615735, positioned next to a row of anti-tank cubes (see ADB 154) (S2). A slit trench extends from the pill box, past the anti-tank cubes to end in a possible weapons pit or light anti-aircraft post at circa 46625734. The site may be surrounded by a barbed wire entanglement at this time, but the photography is not very clear. By 1942 the barbed wire is clearly visible, two rows of barbed wire surrounding the pillbox on the eastern (S3). The first encircles only the pillbox and slit trench, and is circa 40m long running from circa TM46615736 to TM46615733. The second is about 110m long and encloses an area of roughly 1500sq metres between the pillbox and the minefield to the east, recorded as ARG 050. The purpose of this enclosure is unclear. A roadblock is also visible, at circa TM46605735. This can be seen as two diagonal bands running across Thorpe Road next to the pillbox, from TM4660757355 to TM4661157353, and from TM4660657351 to 4661157350. The strongpoint is still visible in 1945, but all evidence of it has been removed by 1952 (S4, S5). This site formed part of the coastal anti-invasion defences that could be seen on much of Suffolk's coastline during World War II.

Thorpe Road, Aldeburgh. Hexagonal pillbox. [Plotted from aerial photographs] (S6).

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <S1> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 2/BR11/14 4-5 08-Jul-1940.
  • <S2> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 2A/BR167 6-7 17-Dec-1941.
  • <S3> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF AC/59 105-106 16-Jun-1942.
  • <S4> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/929 4307-4308 16-Oct-1945.
  • <S5> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 58/877 5222-5223 21-May-1952.
  • <S6> Digital archive: Defence of Britain Project archive. UORN: S0006132.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Sep 17 2014 5:16PM

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