Number of records found: 134
Page: Parish Histories: WSuffolk Parishes 'W' Parishes in 'A Survey of Suffolk Parish History' beginning with the letter W. Use the list below to download each parish history as a PDF. These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Requ...
Monument record: WLD 025 Medieval and Post Medieval Parish boundaries and post medieval ditch at Waldringfield Quarry (Monument)Medieval and Post Medieval Parish boundaries and post medieval ditch at Waldringfield Quarry.
Monument record: WLD 108 Waldringfield Pit SSI (Monument)Waldringfield Pit is a Quaternary geological locality important for a sequence of Middle Pleistocene deposits.
Monument record: MRM 273 Two undated ditches at Waldringfield Quarry (Monument)Two undated ditches at Waldringfield Quarry.
Monument record: WLD 055 A military practice trench, probably of First World War date, is visible as an earthwork on Waldringfield Heath, on aerial photographs taken during t… (Monument)A military practice trench, probably of First World War date, is visible as an earthwork on Waldringfield Heath, on aerial photographs taken during the Second World War, Waldringfield parish.
Monument record: WLD 034 A Post Medieval sea bank on the western side of the Deben, north of Waldringfield (Monument)A Post Medieval sea bank on the western side of the Deben, north of Waldringfield
Monument record: WLD 078 Prehistoric scatter, SE Suffolk Survey - Waldringfield (Poorly Located Monument)General background scatter found during fieldwalking of SE Suffolk Survey. Formerly recorded as WLD MISC
Monument record: MRM 139 Three undated ditches at Waldringfield Quarry, Area 5 (Monument)Three undated ditches at identified during monitoring Waldringfield Quarry, Area 5
Monument record: WLD 058 Ditched trackways and field boundaries of probable later prehistoric date can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs, Waldringfield parish. (Monument)Ditched trackways and field boundaries of probable later prehistoric date can be seen as cropmarks on aerial photographs, Waldringfield parish.
Monument record: WLD 059 A stretch of road or track of probable post-medieval date can be seen as a cropmark on aerial photographs, Waldringfield parish. (Monument)A stretch of road or track of probable post-medieval date can be seen as a cropmark on aerial photographs, Waldringfield parish.