Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 036 Medieval artefact scatter of coarsewares. (Med) (Monument)Scatter of C12-C14 coarsewares (virtually no glazed ware present in whole field).
Monument record: BGL 037 A possible Iron Age extensive ditched system and trackways, visible as fragmentary cropmarks. (Monument)A possible extensive ditched field system and trackways are visible as numerous fragmentary cropmarks over an area of circa ?? Hectares, crossing the line of the modern A12 road, Brightwell parish.
Monument record: BGL 041 Possible World War II Light Anti-aircraft machine gun post. (Monument)A possible Light Anti-aircraft machine gun post of Second World War date can be seen cut into an earthwork, possibly a Round Barrow of Bronze Age date on Brightwell Heath, Brightwell parish.
Monument record: MRM 235 "Eolithic Flints" (Find Spot)No summary available
Monument record: MRM 082 Field boundaries or drainage lines of unknown date, visible as linear cropmarks. (Monument)Linear cropmarks, probable field boundaries or drainage lines.
Monument record: RMA 002 Bucket urns (Monument)Bucket urns found in the commoners' sandpit on the NW corner of Rushmere Heath between the Playford and Woodbridge East roads between circa 1928 and 1938.
Monument record: WBG 094 Cumberland House, 17 Cumberland Street (Building)House dating from the late 16th or early 17th century, hidden behind a Georgian façade, with a mid 17th century range.
Monument record: HLY 124 World War Two 'Q' type and 'K' type bombing decoy site (Monument)A World War Two 'Q' type and 'K' type bombing decoy site has been recorded within ‘Aerodrome Plantation, Hollesley.
Monument record: MRM 007 St Mary's (Monument)Small circular updraught type kiln. Found near St Mary's, on edge of copse (now housing estate).
Monument record: MRM 222 Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed spear. (BA) (Poorly Located Find Spot)Bronze socketed spear, dull green, chipped on edges (Layard Collection)(S1).