Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 269 Second World War Pillbox at Copse Close, Falcon Park, Martlesham (Monument)Second World War Pillbox at Copse Close, Falcon Park, Martlesham
Monument record: WLD 001 Church of All Saints (Med) (Monument)All Saints Church (Rectory).
Monument record: MRM 108 Two World War II Light Anti-Aircraft machine gun posts. (Monument)Two Second World War Light Anti-Aircraft machine gunposts are visible on aerial photographs, cut into two earthwork mounds, possibly the remains of Round Barrows of Bronze Age date, on Brightwell Heath, Martlesham parish.
Monument record: MRM 109 World War II military structure, possibly a pillbox. (Monument)A military structure of Second World War date, possibly a pillbox, can be seen inserted into an earthwork, possibly the remains of a Round Barrow of probable Bronze Age date on Brightwell Heath, Brightwell parish.
Monument record: MRM 118 World War II military feature, probably a light anti-aircraft machine gun emplacement. (Monument)A circular earthwork military feature, probably a light anti-aircraft machine gun emplacement, can be seen on aerial photographs immediately to the north of Martlesham village.
Monument record: MRM 126 Possible field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)A possible field system is visible on aerial photographs as cropmarks to the south of Martlesham Lodge, Martlesham parish.
Monument record: MRM 127 Earthwork banks of unknown date, possibly boundary markers. (Monument)A series of earthwork banks visible on aerial photographs to the east of Martlesham village may be related to the management of a modern plantation or be boundary markers of much earlier date.
Monument record: MRM 154 Land at Main Road, Martlesham, Woodbridge, Suffolk (Monument)Evaluation identified dispersed features of probable prehistoric origin.
Monument record: MRM 124 Post Medieval field boundaries. (Monument)Field boundaries of probable post-medieval date are visible on aerial photographs, in fields on the southern side of Martlesham village.
Monument record: MRM 129 Possible Bronze-Age ring ditch, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)A possible ring ditch is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs, to the north of Spratt's Plantation, Martlesham parish.