Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 110 Possible World War II Light Anti-aircraft gun post. (Monument)A possible Light Anti-aircraft machine gun post of Second World War date can be seen cut into an earthwork, possibly a Round Barrow of Bronze Age date, on Brightwell Heath, Brightwell parish.
Monument record: MRM 045 Church of St Mary (Monument)A church is recorded at Martlesham in the Domesday survey.
Monument record: MRM 075 Bronze Age pits and ditches at Martlesham Park and Ride (BA) ()Bronze Age pits containing beaker pottery and flint, possible cremation burial, and numerous ditches possibly part of a contemporary(?) field system.
Monument record: MRM 147 Office/ Officer Accommodation Building Martlesham Airfield and associated building. (Building)The appearance of this building suggests a 1920s or 1930s construction. It is likely to have been offices or possibly officer accommodation during the operational phase of the airfield.
Monument record: MRM 148 Structure and subterranean chamber, Adastral Park, Martlesham (Monument)A concrete platform with a steelsteel hatch reveals a subterranean chamber, a second concrete stucture located to the south-west appears to be related (S1).
Monument record: MRM 030 Findspot of a Bronze-Age sherd of beaker pottery. (BA) (Monument)Sherd of beaker pottery with comb-stamped decoration recovered from road works for the Martlesham By-Pass (S1).
Monument record: MRM 030 Small Iron-Age pit containing pottery. (IA) (Monument)Small pit containing Iron Age pottery excavated 1986, having been exposed by road works for the Martlesham By-Pass (S1).
Monument record: MRM 002 Bronze-Age artefact scatter of beaker sherds, flakes and arrowheads. (Monument)Beaker sherds, flakes and arrowheads found in Martlesham Plantation under new house (S1).
Monument record: MRM 003 Sluice Wood (IA) (Monument)Coarse red gritty sherds, and wheel turned bead rim grey ware fragments, found in wood on N side of road to Martlesham Church (S1).
Monument record: MRM 225 Findspot of a rim of a Bronze-Age bucket urn (Poorly Located Find Spot)Rim of bucket urn with finger-tip rustication found 1931 on 'Woodbridge By- Pass near Martlesham' (R1). Formerly recorded as MRM MISC