Monument record LML 015 - Post Medieval park.
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Grid reference | Centred TL 8711 7112 (1850m by 1545m) Centred on |
Map sheet | TL87SE |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
Livermere Park, established in 1728 (see also Livermere Hall - LML 014) - William Kent is said to have been involved, though there is no evidence. Circa 1735-1750 Baptist Lee (of Livermere Hall) moved village (LML 003) out of park. Lee joined forces with the Calthorpes of Ampton Hall and enlarged the existing meres on their properties to form the existing linked Livermere Long Water & Ampton Water.
In 1790 Humphry Repton came & produced sketches to improve the park (however no red book is known).
The earthwork bank (& ditch) dividing the two estates still survives (also see Great Livermere 009), as does part of the boundary ditch of the estates (also Great Livermere 009 & Ampton 003). Only a portion S of the ditch survives and is mapped by a solid line, most of the rest is now cultivated and the line is marked approximately by a dotted line after the 1783 & 1836/ 1837 plottings (S1)(S2).
NW part of boundary ditch visible on 1946 RAF APs (along with original 'Three Corner Plantation')(S3).
Features visible on Lidar. See associated files.
From NHRE:
The park survived until quite recently and is still a single unit. Its mansion is now gone and the whole area is farmed in conjunction with Ampton Park with which it shares a common boundary. The perimeter seems to have consisted mainly of a ditch, sometimes accompanied by a bank on its inner side, but much has been mutilated or destroyed. However the extant portions together with the deduced course give an overall area close to that of authority 2. The most substantial remains are between TL 8814 7046 and TL 8722 7084 on the common boundary of the two parks where the ditch is up to 10.0m wide and 3.0m deep. It is waterfilled for 540m of its length and is bounded on the south (downhill) side by a bank up to 10.0m wide and 1.0m high. In this form it may well be post medieval, possibly enlarged with the creation of the adjacent Ampton Park. Elsewhere the remains are much smaller and probably original. Where there is a bank it is on the inner side precluding the possibility of it being a deer leap, and a later modification can be seen where one slope is revetted with stone. Extant parts as follows: TL 87167096 - TL 86877127, dry ditch up to 8.0m wide by 1.8m deep, continues as a field drain., TL 87197212 - TL 87337220, dry ditch up to 8.0m wide by 1.8m deep. TL 87777241 - TL 87797245, dry ditch 7.0m wide by 1.5 deep. TL 87957245 - TL 88017242, dry ditch 5.0m wide and 1.1m deep. Revetting on the north (outer) slope is possibly the foundation of a wall. TL 88137235 - TL 88257222, dry ditch 8.0m wide and 1.6m deep, revetted with flint for 30.0m on its north side. A further 35.0m has a bank 0.5m high on its south side. TL 88397215 - TL 88457207, dry ditch 6.0m wide and 2.0m deep. This is out of alignment with sections on either side and may not be part of it. TL 88407204 - TL 88457196, dry ditch 4.0m wide and 1.5m deep, narrowing to the south and becoming a drain. At TL 88767178 a fragment was extant in 1946 (RAF AP/3G/TUD/UK61/part 1 5025) but is now ploughed out. The Tithe map of 1840 gives no indication of the boundary ditch and no further information was obtained from local enquiries and research. Surveyed at 1:2500. (S4)
Sources/Archives (6)
- <S1> SSF12438 (No record type): OS, 1 inch map, 1st edition, sheets 54 & 55, 1836 & 1837.
- <R1> SSF23222 (No record type): Williamson Dr T, Survey of Historic Parks & Gardens in Suffolk.
- <S2> SSF7573 (No record type): Hodskinson J, The County of Suffolk 1783, Suff Records Soc, 15, 1972, map 4.
- <S3> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF, APs, 106G/UK/1589, 6397, 1946.
- <S4> SSF59830 Source Unchecked: RCHME?. Various. Field Investigators Comments. F1 BHS 16-AUG-77.
- <S5> SSF59794 Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.
Finds (1)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Mar 15 2021 1:01PM