Monument record EXG 074 - Newmarket Isolation Hospital (Rom)
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Grid reference | Centred TL 63232 66549 (170m by 126m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | TL66NW |
Type and Period (7)
Full Description
1997 & 1998: Archaeological evaluation and excavation revealed extensive Roman settlement remains. Two small areas were investigated, within these a series of boundary ditches, representing early field systems, were excavated and recorded. These features could be dated to 2 distinct phases, an early phase, dated approximately to the 1st century AD. The site appears to have been abandoned between the 2 phases, as indicated by the absence of Late 1st and early 2nd century finds. No evidence for any structures located within the excavated areas was identified although a small amount of Roman building material was recovered from a late Phase 2 ditch. Details in (S1)(S2).
Also LIA.
Also Undated cropmarks, IA, Rom, Sax & Med finds in adjoining field - see EXG 033.
1997: Assessment of aerial photographs revealed no features that showed a direct relationship with those inside the hospital grounds. Twi sites of archaeological interest were identified of the remains of a possible building north of the Hospital grounds, and a ring ditch to the south. More recent, but undated quarrying and its access routes accounted for the majority of features recorded within this area (S3).
Sources/Archives (5)
- --- SSF60870 Unpublished document: Davison, S.. 1999. Archaeological Monitoring: Beech House, Fordham Road, Exning, Newmarket.
- <M1> SSF50072 Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. (S1)(S2).
- <S1> SSF60869 Unpublished document: Caruth, J.. 1997. Archaeological Evaluation Report: Newmarket Isolation Hospital, Fordham Road, Exning.
- <S2> SSF60867 Unpublished document: Sommers, M.. 1998. Archaeological Excavation Report: Newmarket Isolation Hospital, Fordham Road, Exning.
- <S3> SSF60973 Unpublished document: Palmer, R. & Cox, C.. 1997. Aerial Photographic Assessment - Newmaket Isolation Hospital, Exning.
Finds (7)
- FSF25909: POTTERY (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FSF25910: ROOF TILE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FSF25911: FLUE TILE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FSF25912: HUMAN REMAINS (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FSF25913: POTTERY COLOUR COATED (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
- FSF25914: COIN (Roman - 337 AD to 341 AD)
- FSF25915: MIRROR (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Survey: Aerial Photographic Assessment - Newmarket Isolation Hospital, Exning (ESF29339)
- Event - Intervention: Evaluation - Newmarket Isolation Hospital, Fordham Road, Exning (Ref: ) (ESF18239)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation - Newmarket Isolation Hospital, Fordham Road, Exning (ESF29271)
- Event - Survey: Monitoring - Beech house, Fordham Road, Exning (Ref: ) (ESF18240)
Record last edited
Jan 10 2023 2:44PM