Monument record SNT 090 - Prehistoric burnt mound and pits, post medieval enclosure ditch and undated pits at Shepherd's Grove Industrial Estate
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Grid reference | TL 9879 7332 (point) |
Map sheet | TL97SE |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
8 of 99 evaluation trenches revealed archaeological features. Finds recovered across the site were generally low density, with most features devoid of datable material. A probable burnt mound feature was identified in the NE corner, with 4 pits nearby. A post-medieval enclosure ditch was identified across the N of the site. 3 undated pits appeared to survive within small pockets of preservation across the previous airfield, but most of the site was severely impacted with very little of the archaeological horizon intact in the S, with the N area far less impacted by modern disturbance (S2).
An open-area excavation of 0.112ha was undertaken within the north-eastern corner of the site, following on from a trench evaluation of the wider 37ha area. This was the only previously undeveloped and undisturbed part of the site, where a scatter of heat-altered flint had previously been recorded.
The excavation uncovered the remains of a burnt mound, its associated well and two trough features along with a small number of pits. Very few finds were recovered and the environmental bulk sampling and pollen assessment produced no significant results. A radiocarbon date from a hazelnut shell in the base of the well produced a date of 2205-2036calBC at 95.4% probability, placing the activity firmly within the Beaker Bronze Age period. A second radiocarbon date taken from a small charcoal-filled pit within the excavation area returned a later date of 23-204calAD at 95.4% probability. There were a small number of similar features across the site which may represent a period of charcoal-making within oak scrubland in the early Roman period.Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 2022 (S3).
Archaeological remains were identified in eight of the trenches, finds recovered across the site were generally low, with most features devoid of datable material. Prehistory was represented by a probable burnt mound feature, with four associated pits. The post-medieval activity identified on site was a ditch creating an enclosure which appears to have been in use very recently. The final three identified features were undated pits which appeared to survive within small pockets of preservation in the southern area of the site. Due to the previous activity on the site the majority of the site was severally impacted with very little of the archaeological horizon intact in the south, with only small pockets of the horizon appeared to be preserved across the previous airfield, with the northern area of the site was far less impacted with modern disturbance. Due to the poor preservation identified at the site it suggests that there is limited archaeological activity preserved within the bounds of the site, with only the northern area producing any features of significance. But it is worth noting that this site is not reflective of the surrounding area (S4).
Sources/Archives (4)
- <S1> SSF61306 Unpublished document: Derosiers-Whalley, L.. Archaeological Monitoring Report: Land at Shepard's Grove, Stanton.
- <S2> SSF60275 Article in serial: Antrobus, A. , Rolfe, J. and De Leo, A.. 2022. Archaeology in Suffolk 2021, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History.
- <S3> SSF61404 Article in serial: Cutler, H., Minter, F. and Rolfe, J.. 2023. Archaeology in Suffolk 2022, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History.
- <S4> SSF62106 Unpublished document: Smart, R.. 2022. Archaeological Evaluation Report - Shepherd Grove, Stanton, Suffolk.
Finds (2)
- FSF55826: COIN (18th century to 19th century - 1760 AD to 1820 AD)
- FSF55827: BURNT FLINT (Undated)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (2)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Event - Intervention: Evaluation - Shepherd's Grove, Stanton (Ref: OASIS-cotswold3-503296) (ESF28590)
- Event - Survey: Geophysical Survey - Shepherd's Grove Industrial Estate, Stanton (Ref: OASIS-magnitud1-386656magnitud1-386656) (ESF27488)
- Event - Intervention: Monitoring of Geological test pits, Shepherds Grove, Stanton (Ref: OASIS-preconst1-410682) (ESF28439)
Record last edited
Mar 4 2025 9:01AM