Source/Archive record SSF60275 - Archaeology in Suffolk 2021, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History
Title | Archaeology in Suffolk 2021, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History |
Author/Originator | Antrobus, A. , Rolfe, J. and De Leo, A. |
Date/Year | 2022 |
Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History | 2022 |
Referenced Monuments (114)
- MNL 1165 Large Roman 4th century coin scatter and a Copper-alloy 9th century openwork cross disc brooch (PAS find)
- COR 156 116 Mesolithic, Neoloithic and Bronze Age worked flints including re-touched flakes, blades and scrapers and cores. (PAS find)
- COR 157 48 Mesolithic, Neoloithic and Bronze Age worked flints including re-touched flakes, blades and scrapers and cores. (PAS find)
- YAX 068 737 pottery sherds of later prehistoric, Roman, early medieval and medieval pottery (PAS find)
- IPS 585 85-87 Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6106) (Monument)
- LXD 135 Bronze Age field system and burnt mound, Iron Age features and medieval and undated ditches, Framlingham Road, Laxfield (Monument)
- EYE 242 Bronze Age gold spiral finger ring (PAS find)
- HGM 037 Bronze Age hoard of 14 objects (PAS find)
- HNY 078 Bronze Age hoard of 21 objects and casting waste (PAS find)
- SPT 053 Bronze Age to Iron Age Activity at Chantry Vale, Wolsey Grange (Monument)
- BCC 013 Church of St Michael (Building)
- CHF 009 Church of St Peter (Monument)
- MKE 007 Church of St Peter (Monument)
- CLA 008 Clare Castle (Med) (Monument)
- RLM 044 Domestic occupation, 5th-8th century settlement, Sand Walk Field (PAS find)
- SPT 053 Early Neolithic activity at Chantry Vale, Wolsey Grange (Monument)
- FHM 060 Extensive Roman metal work scatter with Iron Age element (see details) (PAS find)
- RLM 036 Fuctional zone of 5th-8th century settlement, Dog Kennel Field (PAS find)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, (Med to PMed) (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, Barking, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, post medieval (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, Saxon (Sax) (Monument)
- BRK 104 Gallows Hill, undated (Un) (Monument)
- FNN 041 Iron Age and Roman hoard of 83 IA coins and 37 Roman coins, dating between 169 BC- AD 54 (PAS find)
- LMD 363 Iron Age and Roman metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- BAW 289 Iron Age Copper-alloy stater of the East Anglian region/Iceni (PAS find)
- LCS 220 Iron Age field system, medieval features and Post medieval features, St Margaret's Crescent (SCCAS) GEO (ASE) EVAL (CFA) EXC (Monument)
- HEN 035 Iron Age gold stater (PAS find)
- BAC 082 Iron Age Gold stater of Eastern region (Cunobelin), VA 1931, BMC 1794 pierced with two holes (PAS find)
- MKS 038 Iron Age silver East Anglian/Iceni unit (PAS find)
- AST 044 Iron Age Silver unit of the Iceni and two Gold Gallo-Belgic quarter stater (PAS find)
- IPS 881 Iron Age/Roman and Medieval settlement and agricultural activity at Henley Gate, Ipswich. (Monument)
- BRH 027 Iron-Age artefact scatter of Gold Gallo-Belgic quarter stater, seven Iceni silver coins and a toggle (PAS find)
- EBG 060 Land east of Constable Country Medical Centre, Heath Road (Monument)
- FSG 036 Late Bronze Age settlement at Fornham Park, Fornham St Genevieve (Monument)
- PTR 070 Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age field system, Land off Chapel Lane, (Monument)
- BNT 102 Late prehistoric settlement activity at Land South Of Slough Road Brantham (PCA) EVAL (Monument)
- SPT 053 Medieval activity possibly related to the former hamlet of Felchurch (Monument)
- BRF 181 Medieval activity, Land Adjacent To Clarice House Leisure Club (Monument)
- DEN 030 Medieval Copper-alloy figurine of a reclining Knight (PAS find)
- BSG 052 Medieval Gilded silver annular brooch with snakes’ head terminals (PAS find)
- DBN 257 Medieval gold finger ring with a pale red cabochon gem setting (PAS find)
- DAL 047 Medieval Gold finger ring with inset jewel (PAS find)
- HEV 037 Mesolithic flint tranchet axehead (PAS find)
- CSM 047 Multi-period activity at Land East of Longfield Road (Monument)
- DAR 061 Multi-period activity at Land south of Darsham Station, Darsham (Monument)
- HVH 135 Multi-period features and occupation at Boyton Meadows, Anne Suckling Lane, Haverhill (Monument)
- SUY 216 Neolithic and Bronze Age lithic scatter (PAS find)
- SSH 041 OUTLINE RECORD Medieval field boundaries, enclosures and occupation features on Land To The South Of Church Farm, Somersham (CAS) EVAL (Monument)
- BUS 020 OUTLINE RECORD Medieval occupation on Land To The East Of The Channel, Burstall (CAS) EVAL (RR) EVAL (Monument)
- FLN 112 OUTLINE RECORD-Mulit-period pits, field systems and possitble enclosures, post holes at Flixton Quarry, Buck Land Extension (CAS) GEO + EVAL (Allocated Number)
- SKT 140 OUTLINE RECORD, Site 3C Land South Of Gun Cotton Way Stowmarket (MAG) GEO (WESSEX) EVL (Monument)
- MKE 054 OUTLINE RECORD, Medieval ditches and post holes on Former Rushbrooks Nursery Site The Street (CAS) EVAL (Monument)
- TYN 173 OUTLINE RECORD: Bronze Age enclosures, Neolithic/Bronze age pits, Iron Age features adjacent to Reeve Lodge Trimley St Martin (SGL) GEO (OA) EVAL (Monument)
- SKT 141 OUTLINE RECORD: Bronze Age pit and medieval to post medieval boundary ditch. Gateway 14 (MOLA) EVL (Monument)
- BUN 196 OUTLINE RECORD: Evidence of Iron Age smelting, Land East Of Dukes Farm St Johns Hill Bungay (PCA) EVAL (Monument)
- LKH 637 OUTLINE RECORD: Iron Age ditches and structural features and Roman ditches, 2 probable inhumation burials at RAF Lakenheath Hooch (CAS) EXC (Monument)
- HAD 208 OUTLINE RECORD: Iron Age occupation features and Roman occupation and burial Hadleigh Phase 2- Land off Ellen Aldous Avenue (ASE) EVL OAE (EXC) (Allocated Number)
- WHI 020 OUTLINE RECORD: Land off Old Norwich Road, Ipswich (APS) EVAL (Monument)
- IPS 2121 OUTLINE RECORD: Late Bronze Age Settlement, field boundary and small cremation cemetery at Pre Europa Way Scheme 2020 (CAS) EVAL (Monument)
- EWL 039 OUTLINE RECORD: Medeival settlement site on Land East of Ashfield Rd (OAE) GEO (ASE) EVL (PCA) EXC (Monument)
- ORF 261 OUTLINE RECORD: Medieval pits and linear feautres on Pettistree, Castle Green, Orford (AS) MON (Monument)
- HXN 127 OUTLINE RECORD: Medieval post build structure and undated boundary ditch at Abbey Hill, Hoxne (BA) EVAL (Monument)
- THD 074 OUTLINE RECORD: Multi period features at Castle Hill Farm Castle Hill Thorndon (BRIT) EVAL (Monument)
- HWS 061 OUTLINE RECORD: Multiple occupation layers spanning from the Late Mesolithic through to the Bronze Age, Bury Road Hawstead (PTP) EVAL (AA) GEO (Monument)
- FRT 063 OUTLINE RECORD: Neolithic and bronze age features and artefacts at Freston Causewayed Enclosure (Monument)
- IPS 2120 OUTLINE RECORD: Prehistoric circular enclosure, Saxon cemetery and post medieval features 22-31 and Dairy Crest, Boss Hall Rd, Ipswich (CAS) EXC (Monument)
- COL 111 OUTLINE RECORD: Prehistoric Pottery, Post medieval field boundary and 19th century brick kiln Bramford to Twinstead East of the Box (CAS) EVAL (Monument)
- FRK 196 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E02 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- FRK 197 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E03 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- FRK 198 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E04 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 086 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E12 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 087 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E13 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- FRK 209 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E19 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 088 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E23 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 089 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E24 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 090 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E25 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 091 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E26 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 092 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E27 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 093 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E28 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 094 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E29 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- WGN 095 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E30 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- BTM 093 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E31 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- BTM 094 OUTLINE RECORD: Sunnica site E32 EVAL (TBC) (Monument)
- MNL 1160 OUTLINE RECORD:Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age struck flints and medieval ditches and pits Land adjacent 1 St John's Street (PCA) EVL (Monument)
- FKM 085 OUTLINE RECORD:Multi period features and Bronze Age Cremation Land north of RAF Honington, Fakenham Magna, Area 3 (OAE) EXC (Allocated Number)
- EUN 076 OUTLINE RECORD:Multi period features and Bronze Age Cremation Land north of RAF Honington, Euston Area 2 (OAE) EXC (Allocated Number)
- EUN 075 OUTLINE RECORD:Multi period features and Bronze Age Cremation on Land north of RAF Honington, Euston Area 1 (OAE) EXC (Monument)
- WRE 079 OUTLINE RECORDS: Prehistoric, Saxon and Medieval pits and Post Medieval Field Boundaires at Land North of Chapel Road, Wrentham (PCA) EVAL (Monument)
- CDD 136 OUTLINE RECORDS: Bronze Age pits, ditch and undated features at Shrubland Quarry, Coddenham (CAS) EVAL (Monument)
- IPS 2075 Portman Road (multi-storey car park) (CAS) EVL (Monument)
- FEX 299 Possible barrow and cremations and other multi-period features (Monument)
- IXW 194 Post Medieval Brick Kiln, Iron Age pit and undated features at Pre Stanton Link Scheme, Ixworth (Monument)
- BAR 149 Post medieval complete gold bodkin with a maker's mark (PAS find)
- COM 091 Post medieval features and evidence of a WW2 aircraft crash at Land adjacent to 2 Oak Thatch, Combs (Monument)
- SNT 090 Prehistoric burnt mound and pits, post medieval enclosure ditch and undated pits at Shepherd's Grove Industrial Estate (Monument)
- MNL 1157 Prehistoric Features and finds, Land at Rookery Drove, Beck Row, Mildenhall (WYAS) EVAL (Monument)
- SUT 022 Probable Iron Age or Roman settlement, north-east of Sutton Hall, Sutton parish. (Rom) (Monument)
- TYN 183 Probable prehistoric ditches, Medieval to Post Medieval field system and undated features on Land south of High Road (Monument)
- SUP 050 Remains associated with a medieval farmstead, Land south of Gipping Road (Monument)
- SPL 041 Roman Metal work, pottery and building material (SAFG) GEO (PAS find)
- FNN 042 Roman metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- BED 057 Roman metalwork scatter see description for details (PAS find)
- BAC 050 Romano-British enclosed farmstead on Land south of Pretyman Avenue (Monument)
- EYE 082 Saxon artefact scatter (Sax) (PAS find)
- RGV 094 Saxon copper-alloy small long brooch (PAS find)
- IXW 196 Saxon iron spearhead (PAS find)
- HMG 059 Saxon metalwork scatter (PAS find)
- HTC 139 Saxon silver hooked tag (PAS find)
- LWT 415 South Pier, Inner South Pier, Inner North Pier, and Lowestoft to North Railway Line Lowestoft. (Monument)
- BSE 703 Town ditch and bank at 81 Guildhall Street, Bury St Edmunds (BA) EVAL and MON (Monument)
- HLM 062 Two silver Saxon coins and a single silver ring (PAS find)
- BSE 376 Weymed Centre, Bury St Edmunds, (Medieval-Post Medieval) (SCCAS) EVAL (BRIT) EVAL (BRIT) EXC (Monument)
Referenced Events (6)
- ESF28606 Evaluation - Land adjacent 1 ST John's Street, Beck Row (Ref: OASIS-preconst1-431293)
- ESF28487 Evaluation, Former Rushbrooks Nursery Site The Street (Ref: oasis-cotswold2-417031)
- ESF28525 Evaluation, Weymed Centre, Bury St Edmunds (Ref: oasis-britanni1-421468)
- ESF30147 Excavation - Clarice House, Bramford Road, Bramford, Suffolk (Ref: OASIS-johnnewm1-427841)
- ESF28658 Geophysical Survey, Roman and Iron Age settlement, Sutton
- ESF29654 Post Excavation Assessment - Gallows Hill, Gipping Valley, Suffolk (Ref: Oasis-wardella2-503015)
Record last edited
Mar 5 2025 1:16PM