Monument record ARG 023 - A World War II seafront strongpoint.

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A World War II seafront strongpoint in Aldringham cum Thorpe parish


Grid reference Centred TM 47553 62322 (60m by 195m)
Map sheet TM46SE


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Type and Period (4)

Full Description

A World War II strongpoint is visible on aerial photographs as structures and earthworks located on Sizewell cliffs, centred on circa TM47546226. The strongpoint is bounded on the east by a stretch of barbed wire that is part of the anti-invasion coastal defences proper (see LCS 129). Two lateral 'arms' of barbed wire run west for roughly 35m from the main stretch, at circa TM47576231 and TM47586222, to enclose on three sides an area of circa 0.3 hectares. Within this area is a pillbox, probably a type 26 with a blast wall and 3 slit strenches. A line of concrete anti-tank cubes circa 130m in length lies immediately to the north west of the barbed wire enclosure, from circa TM 47526241 to TM47536229, providing partial protection for its western edge as well as fulfilling its primary function of denying access inland to potential invaders. This in turn is supplemented by a slit trench to its east on the high ground abouve the beach, centred on TM47546236. This strongpoint serves to provide protection in the area of an access road, one of the few access points inland in the area of Sizewell cliffs. (S1-S3)

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <S1> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 2A/BR167 18-19 12-Dec-1941.
  • <S2> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF AC/59 116-117 19-Jun-1942.
  • <S3> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/1673 28-Jul-1946.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Sep 20 2014 12:27PM

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