Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 056 Post Medieval field boundary and footpath. (Monument)Post Medieval field boundary and footpath, Martlesham parish
Monument record: MRM 058 Waldingfield Road (Monument)Possible Bronze Age round barrow, Martlesham parish
Monument record: BEG 010 Site of two circular Iron-Age trenches, probably representing round buildings and a small pottery scatter. (IA) (Monument)Two annular (circular) trenches, probably representing round buildings were excavated in 1986.
Monument record: MRM 165 Prehistoric pit, Roman ditch, Medieval wall and undated features at Sandy Lane, Bridge Farm (Monument)Prehistoric pit, Roman ditch, Medieval wall and undated pits, gully, ditch and a posthole at Sandy Lane, Bridge Farm.
Monument record: MRM 022 Notcutts Nursery (Rom) (Monument)Rom pottery sherds, two pieces bronze and coin (S1).
Monument record: MRM 024 Bronze-age or Neolithic concentric ring ditch or double ditched oval enclosure, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)A concentric ring ditch or double ditched oval enclosure, possibly of Neolithic or Bronze Age date, is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs, immediately to the east of Heath Farm, Waldringfield parish.
Monument record: MRM 246 Farmstead: Martlesham House (Hill House Farm) (Farmstead)Hill House Farm is a farmstead visible on the 1st Ed Os map. The farmstead is laid out as a single building with the farmhouse detached and set away from the yard. The farmstead sits alongside a public road in an isolated location. The farmstead survives intact.
Monument record: MRM 034 Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of hand-made pottery and a lead annular object. (Sax) (Monument)Scatter of hand-made pottery and a lead annular object (?loom weight) found in an area circa 30-35m across of dark soil with a few animal bone fragments, daub, iron nails and bronze fragments (S1).
Monument record: MRM 035 Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including Thetford ware and a hand-made sherd. (Sax) (Monument)A few sherds of Thetford ware and one hand-made ?MSax piece, found in area of C12-C14 scatter.
Monument record: MRM 035 Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware. (Med) (Monument)Small concentration of C12-C14 coarseware found fieldwalking (virtually no glazed wares).