Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 244 Farmstead: Brook House Farm (Farmstead)Brook House Farm is a farmstead visible on the 1st Ed Os map. The farmstead is laid out in a loose courtyard with the farmhouse detached and set away from the yard. The farmstead sits alongside a public road in an isolated location. There has been a significant loss of working buildings with the remaining converted for residential use.
Monument record: MRM 245 Farmstead: Bloomfields Farm (Farmstead)Bloomfields Farm is a farmstead visible on the 1st Ed Os map. The farmstead is laid out in a loose courtyard with the farmhouse detached and set away from the yard. The farmstead sits alongside a private track in an isolated location. There has been a significant loss of working buildings with modern sheds on site.
Monument record: MRM 247 Farmstead: Hill Farm (Farmstead)Hill Farm is a farmstead visible on the 1st Ed Os map. The farmstead is laid out as a regular L-plan with additional detached elements and the farmhouse detached and set away from the yard. The farmstead sits alongside a private track in an isolated location. There has been a partial loss of working buildings with modern sheds on site.
Monument record: MRM 248 Farmstead: Howe's Farm (Farmstead)Howe's Farm is a farmstead visible on the 1st Ed Os map. The farmstead is laid out as a regular full plan with additional detached elements and the farmhouse detached and set away from the yard. The farmstead sits alongside a public road in an isolated location. There has been a partial loss of working buildings with modern sheds on site.
Monument record: MRM 249 Outfarm: Rudd's Barm (Farmstead)Rudd's Barn is an outfarm visible on the 1st Ed Os map. The outfarm sits alongside a public road in an isolated location. The outfarm is laid out in a regular U-plan with the house detached and set away from the yard. There has been a partial loss of working buildings with the remaining converted for residential use.
Monument record: MRM 037 Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and coins. (Rom) (Monument)Scatter of grey ware pottery sherds and coins (S1).
Monument record: MRM 040 Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver decorated pin head. (Sax) (Monument)1986: Silver spherical decorated pin head, missing shaft. Found metal detecting.
Monument record: MRM 048 Hill Farm (Monument)Ring ditch cropmark - possible Later Prehistoric or Roman hut circle.
Monument record: MRM 162 OUTLINE RECORD: Later Prehistoric roundhouse and occupation Excavation and Monitoring by Pre-Construct for CgMs (Monument)For previous excavation Area 1 see MRM 157
Monument record: NBN 009 Possible Bronze-Age barrow, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)A possible Bronze Age barrow is visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, possibly forming over the earthwork remains of a Bowl Barrow with an outer bank,to the north-east of Newbourne village, Newbourne parish.