Context |
Record |
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ESF20810 Abbey Gardens Management Plan (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21575 Borehole investigation 300m East of Bobbit's Hole, Wherstead (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21491 Building survey and evaluation, St Bartholomews Priory, Sudbury (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF15526 Environmental Sampling, Beeches Pit, West Stow, (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21578 Environmental Sampling, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF18705 Environmental Sampling, Tree-ring analysis of timbers from the Isaac lord Complex, Ipswich (Event - Interpretation) |
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ESF20713 Environmental Sampling, University Site, Ipswich, (IAS 6605). (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21814 Evaluation - Land south-east of Williamsport Way, Needham Market (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF27967 Evaluation and Environmental Sampling, Thelnetham Fen (Archaeological Deposit) |
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ESF21570 Evaluation and Environmental Sampling, Thelnetham Fen (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19174 Evaluation, Carlton Park (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF21081 Evaluation, Drinkstone Hall, Drinkstone Green (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20433 Evaluation, Land between Lady Lane and Tower Mill Lane, Hadleigh, 2008-9 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19990 Evaluation, Land off Station Road East, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20585 Evaluation, Land to the North of the Street, Erwarton (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19928 Evaluation, Parkers Mill, 2007 (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19965 Excavation - Barsham marshes, Barsham (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20857 Excavation - Green King Access Road, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20445 Land adjacent to Park Grove, Euston Estate, Sapiston (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20866 Land adjavent to 12 Church Road, Westhorpe (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19543 Monitoring Quarry Faces, Flixton Park Quarry (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF19999 Palaeoenvironmental assessment, Priory Stadium, Sudbury, 2007 (Event - Interpretation) |
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ESF21214 Palaeoenvironmental assessment, Stowmarket Relief Road (Event - Interpretation) |
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ESF23352 Palaeo-environmental investigation and watching brief at the Shire Hall Car Park, Raingate Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF28028 Palaeoenvironmental Investigation, Portman Road Car Park, Ipswich (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20949 Site adjacent 8, Troston Road, Honington (Event - Intervention) |
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ESF20503 Tree-ring Analysis of timbers from the tower, All Saints Church, Mettingham (Event - Survey) |
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ESF22649 Trial Trenching and Palaeolenvironmental Survey and Assessment - King's Marsh, Sudbury (Event - Intervention) |