Identifier 145127
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note Removal of samples from deposits, including archaeological contexts to recover information about past environments and economies, retrieve material for scientific dating and for the investigation of the deposits themselves e.g. formation processes.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (0)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (3)

Instances/Examples (28)

Context Record
Event Type ESF20810 Abbey Gardens Management Plan (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF21575 Borehole investigation 300m East of Bobbit's Hole, Wherstead (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF21491 Building survey and evaluation, St Bartholomews Priory, Sudbury (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF15526 Environmental Sampling, Beeches Pit, West Stow, (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF21578 Environmental Sampling, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich. (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF18705 Environmental Sampling, Tree-ring analysis of timbers from the Isaac lord Complex, Ipswich (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type ESF20713 Environmental Sampling, University Site, Ipswich, (IAS 6605). (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF21814 Evaluation - Land south-east of Williamsport Way, Needham Market (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF27967 Evaluation and Environmental Sampling, Thelnetham Fen (Archaeological Deposit)
Event Type ESF21570 Evaluation and Environmental Sampling, Thelnetham Fen (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF19174 Evaluation, Carlton Park (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF21081 Evaluation, Drinkstone Hall, Drinkstone Green (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF20433 Evaluation, Land between Lady Lane and Tower Mill Lane, Hadleigh, 2008-9 (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF19990 Evaluation, Land off Station Road East, Stowmarket (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF20585 Evaluation, Land to the North of the Street, Erwarton (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF19928 Evaluation, Parkers Mill, 2007 (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF19965 Excavation - Barsham marshes, Barsham (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF20857 Excavation - Green King Access Road, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF20445 Land adjacent to Park Grove, Euston Estate, Sapiston (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF20866 Land adjavent to 12 Church Road, Westhorpe (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF19543 Monitoring Quarry Faces, Flixton Park Quarry (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF19999 Palaeoenvironmental assessment, Priory Stadium, Sudbury, 2007 (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type ESF21214 Palaeoenvironmental assessment, Stowmarket Relief Road (Event - Interpretation)
Event Type ESF23352 Palaeo-environmental investigation and watching brief at the Shire Hall Car Park, Raingate Street, Bury St Edmunds (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF28028 Palaeoenvironmental Investigation, Portman Road Car Park, Ipswich (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF20949 Site adjacent 8, Troston Road, Honington (Event - Intervention)
Event Type ESF20503 Tree-ring Analysis of timbers from the tower, All Saints Church, Mettingham (Event - Survey)
Event Type ESF22649 Trial Trenching and Palaeolenvironmental Survey and Assessment - King's Marsh, Sudbury (Event - Intervention)