Monument record WMH 004 - Part of rectangular enclosure and rectilinear cropmark system noted on SAU APs 14-15 July, 1977 (S1)(S2). (Un)

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Part of rectangular enclosure and rectilinear cropmark system noted on SAU APs 14-15 July, 1977 (S1)(S2).


Grid reference Centred TM 428 756 (436m by 434m)
Map sheet TM47NW


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

Part of rectangular enclosure and rectilinear cropmark system noted on SAU APs 14-15 July, 1977 (S1)(S2).
1989: Small bronze knife(?), handle with traces of triangular sectioned iron blade. Collar area similar to iron knife from Coddenham 003 (?Rom/Sax)(S3). Further detector finds include bronze belt mount (Undated) and fitting with ring handle. Details in (S3).
1970: AP shows field boundaries, enclosure(?) & crofts/tofts at E end of Church Common (S4).
2008: Aerial photographic assessment identified a series of infilled ditches was mapped that appear to be part of an early field system. In one area – outside the Development Site – are features that may indicate a settlement. Parts of a later field system were also identified and suggested to be of post-medieval date. A minor pipeline may just pass through the southeast corner of the Development Site. A natural ridge was identified in the northern part of the Study Area (S5).

Sources/Archives (7)

  • <S1> (No record type): SAU, APs AGC 24-25, 14-15 July 1977.
  • <M1> (No record type): APs: AGC 24-25, 14-15, AGD 08.
  • <S2> (No record type): SAU, AP AGD 08, 15 July 1977.
  • <M2> Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. Parish file: (S3), drawing.
  • <S3> Finds Report: Plouviez, J.. 1995. SCCAS Finds Record:. SAU, Plouviez J, finds reports, WMH 004, April 1989, ill.
  • <S4> (No record type): OS, AP, 70 227 172, 1970.
  • <S5> Unpublished document: Palmer, R.. 2008. Aerial Photographic Assessment at Land at Wenhaston.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jun 14 2018 1:25PM

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