Number of records found: 317
Monument record: WLD 007 Round barrow (site of), at junction of Martlesham, Brightwell and Waldringfield. (Monument)Round barrow (site of), at junction of Martlesham, Brightwell and Waldringfield.
Monument record: MRM 077 Structure of unknown date, consisting of posts in the channel of the river. (Monument)Posts of unknown date in the channel of the River Deben, Martlesham and Waldringfield
Monument record: MRM 034 Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)1988: Scatter of ?IA, IA (& Rom) pottery found fieldwalking by John Newman in `Field 571' for SE Suffolk survey.
Monument record: MRM 034 Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and tile fragments. (Rom) (Monument)1988: Scatter of Rom pottery & tile fragments found in `Field 571', fieldwalking by John Newman for SE Suffolk survey (S1).
Monument record: BGL 007 Eight round barrows on Martlesham Heath; Brightwell Heath (Monument)Scheduled Monument - A round barrow of probable Bronze Age date is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs, bisected by a fenceline dividing the monument between a field, formerly Brightwell Heath, and the garden of a residential building.
Monument record: MRM 092 Field 'F 507', Martlesham (Monument)South East Suffolk survey produced scatters of burnt flint, lithics, roman, Mid to Late Saxon and Medieval pottery
Monument record: MRM 191 Findspot of 2 Medieval silver groats (Find Spot)2 silver groats found whilst metal detecting, 1999. Formerly recorded as MRM MISC
Monument record: MRM 140 Land Adjacent to Adastral Park, Martlesham (Preh) (Monument)Large scale evaluation revealed a small amount of Iron Age/Roamn features and a pit containing Beaker pottery.
Monument record: MRM 005 Rim sherd, St Mary's (garden) (Monument)Rim sherd, finger tipping on shoulder, found in garden.
Monument record: MRM 014 Eight Round Barrows on Martlesham Heath (Monument)A round barrow on Martlesham Heath can be seen as an earthwork on aerial photographs. Scheduled