Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 087 Probable Bronze-Age round barrow. (Monument)Probable Bronze Age Round Barrow, Martlesham parish
Monument record: MRM 089 Probable Prehistoric enclosure. (Monument)Probable Prehistoric enclosure, Martlesham parish
Monument record: MRM 090 Possible Post Medieval field boundary. (Monument)Possible Post Medieval field boundary, Martlesham parish
Monument record: FXL 040 Possible Modern gunpost cut into Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)A possible Light Anti-aircraft Artillery emplacement, or gun post, is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs, possibly cut into the mound of a Bronze Age Round Barrow on Brightwell Heath, Foxhall parish.
Monument record: FXL 054 Modern gunpost cutting into the reamins of a Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)A possible Light Anti-aircraft Artillery emplacement, or gun post, is visible on aerial photographs, cut into the possible remains of a Bronze Age Round Barrow on Brightwell Heath, Foxhall parish
Monument record: WLD 055 A military practice trench, probably of First World War date, is visible as an earthwork on Waldringfield Heath, on aerial photographs taken during t… (Monument)A military practice trench, probably of First World War date, is visible as an earthwork on Waldringfield Heath, on aerial photographs taken during the Second World War, Waldringfield parish.
Monument record: MRM 042 Modern decoy pond. (Monument)Modern Decoy Pond, Martlesham parish
Monument record: MRM 043 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 2 rims and 10 coarseware sherds. (Monument)1986: Med pottery scatter consisting 2 rims and 10 sherds (total 100gm) C13/C14 coarseware. SE Suffolk survey 'F 566' produced 15 sherds Medieval pottery, within 30mx30m, (S2).
Monument record: BEG 015 Seckford Hall Golf Course (Monument)May/June 1991: Watching brief on ploughed area prior to seeding for 9 hole golf course revealed med finds.
Monument record: MRM 052 Martlesham Bridge (Monument)Bridge over River Fynn shown on Saxton's 1575, Speed's 1610, Bowen's 1755 and Hodskinson's 1783 maps (S1)(S2)(S3)(S4).