Number of records found: 134
Monument record: WLD 006 Field No. 26 (Monument)Three circles & three ditches recorded on an OS card.
Monument record: WLD 047 "Field F529" Waldringfield (Monument)Scatter of pan and peg tile found during South East Suffolk Survey. Also general finds scatter over field.
Monument record: WLD 053 "Field 679" Waldringfield (Monument)Relatively dense scatter flints found during South East Suffolk Survey, including flakes and scrapers.
Monument record: WLD 073 Rose Cottage, Fishpond Road (Building)17th century timber-framed house
Monument record: WLD 026 Rectangular pit of unknown function cut into the salt-marsh in Waldringfield parish (Monument)Rectangular pit of unknown function cut into the salt-marsh in Waldringfield parish
Monument record: WLD 032 Probable Post Medieval sand pit, Waldringfield parish (Monument)Probable Post Medieval sand pit, Waldringfield parish
Monument record: WLD 033 Possible undated enclosures, field boundaries or trackways, Waldringfield parish (Monument)Possible undated enclosures, field boundaries or trackways, Waldringfield parish
Monument record: WLD 017 "Field F638 and F639" Waldringfield (Monument)A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system, Waldringfield parish
Monument record: NBN 020 Lengths of Prehistoric ditched trackway, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)Several lengths of ditched trackway of possible later prehistoric date are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs, traversed by field boundaries of probable medieval or post-medieval date, to the west of New Oak Tree Farm, Waldringfield parish.
Monument record: MRM 024 Bronze-age or Neolithic concentric ring ditch or double ditched oval enclosure, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)A concentric ring ditch or double ditched oval enclosure, possibly of Neolithic or Bronze Age date, is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs, immediately to the east of Heath Farm, Waldringfield parish.