Monument record FEX 063 - Martello Tower P at W end of sea-front (No 11)
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Grid reference | Centred TM 2926 3308 (169m by 174m) |
Map sheet | TM23SE |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
Martello Tower P (S2)(No 11) - built 1810-1812, originally the tower was surropunded by a dry moat that was subsequently filled in.
In the second half of the 19th century the toer was re-armed with a 68 pounder and two 8" guns. During the Second World War the tower was re-armed this time with a machine gun (S7).
The tower was adapted for use as a Naval wireless Station (Low power W/T station) when it became a destroyer base, it was used in this function during the First World War (S6). 2013 survey identified numerous concrete blocks and iron rings interprited as anchor points for the wires for the radio antenna (S8).
The tower is in use by the coastguard and has a hut on top. It cannot be entered but appears to be in good condition with most of the rendering still surviving and there seems to be a ditch at its base (S1).
1981: Tower in good condition. Interior fitted out as Coastguard Station with radio room in glass addition on top. Ditch not visible (S1).
HER'd area includes square contemporay surrounding enclosure which appears (on the map) to survive relatively intact. At least one (NW corner) boundary stone survives (S4).
Within modern military defence area FEX 241.
2008: Desk-based assessment, geophysical survey and trenched evaluation of proposed housing development in area of Martello Tower 'P'. Map regression reveals much of the area has only been in existence since the early 18th century and has been created through the deposition of shingle (S5).
See FEX 161 (sf19270) for The Left Battery, Landguard Fort.
2013: excavation to trace route of probable WW2 defensive ditch identified in previous evaluation revealed it to be straight and over 116m in length. Butt ends to the north-east, runs beyond limit of excavation to the south west. Also EH Level 2 recording of concrete pads and blocks in vicinity of Martello Tower P undertaken - majority of these have been interpreted as anchor points for guide wires and stays associated with a radio mast that was mounted on the roof of the tower in the early 20th century (S8)
Sources/Archives (12)
- <M1> SSF45984 (No record type): SAM file:.
- <S1> SSF5242 Unpublished document: Department of the Environment. Scheduling information.
- <S2> SSF12424 (No record type): OS, 1 inch map (1st ed), sheet 64, 1838.
- <M2> SSF45985 (No record type): APs: RAF 1953, 58/1007, WS 0086-0088, Essex C C CP/96/20/14.
- <S3> SSF50025 Photograph: Essex County Council. Air Photograph. Essex C C, Strachan D, APs, CP/96/20/14, June 1996.
- <S4> SSF50153 Bibliographic reference: Email. Scrimgeour R (Suffolk Coastal DC) to William Fletcher, 26 Feb 2009, digital photo image.
- <S5> SSF50382 Unpublished document: Sommers. M., and Breen, A.M.. 2008. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, South Seafront, Felixstowe, FEX 278.
- <S6> SSF54491 Unpublished document: Millward J. 2007. An Assessment of the East Coast Martello Towers.
- <S7> SSF54492 Bibliographic reference: Mead, H P. 1948. The Martello Towers of England.
- <S8> SSF55197 Unpublished document: Sommers, M.. 2013. Archaeological Excavation Report, South Seafront and Martello Tower P, Felixstowe.
- <S9> SSF60065 Bibliographic reference: Sutcliffe, S. 1972. Martello towers.
- <S10> SSF59794 Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (5)
- Event - Survey: Desk Based Assessment and Geophysical survey at the South Seafront, Felixstowe (Ref: OASIS-suffolkc1-51371) (ESF20085)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation, South Seafront and Martello Tower P, Felixstowe (Ref: OASIS-suffolkc1-152541) (ESF22185)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit by DOE (Chant K) (Ref: DOE (Chant K)) (ESF13872)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit by DOE (Paterson H) (Ref: DOE (Paterson H)) (ESF13659)
- Event - Survey: Site Visit by DOE (Ref: DOE) (ESF13248)
Record last edited
Jun 30 2021 9:44AM