Source/Archive record SXS50132 - Angus Wainwright, Verbal Communication

Title Angus Wainwright, Verbal Communication


Verbal communication from Angus Wainwright, the archaeologist for the National Trust.



Referenced Monuments (21)

  • A First World War barracks block (Monument)
  • A guardhouse of World War I date, Orfordness, Orford parish (Monument)
  • A military building of World War II date, possibly for the storage of test components, located on Orfordness, Orford parish (Monument)
  • A military machine shop of World War II date (Monument)
  • A World War One bomb store or armoury (Monument)
  • A World War one motor transport shed (Monument)
  • Bomb Ballistics Building circa 1933 (Monument)
  • Concrete bases of receiver masts from early RADAR experiments on Orfordness, Orford parish (Monument)
  • Concrete bases of transmitter masts from early RADAR experiments on Orfordness, Orford parish (Mod) (Monument)
  • Fuze magazine dated circa 1936 (Monument)
  • Fuze magazine dated circa 1936 (Monument)
  • Fuze Magazine dated circa 1936 (Monument)
  • Light railway connecting bomb stores (Monument)
  • Magazine dating from 1916 (Monument)
  • Magazine store dated circa 1916 (Monument)
  • Marine navigation beacon tower circa 1928 (Monument)
  • Military structures probably related to vulnerability trial range control on Orfordness during World War II, Orford parish (Monument)
  • Power house associated with a marine navigation beacon tower circa 1933 (Monument)
  • The Field of Mirrors (Monument)
  • The remains of a probable World War One balloon shed, Orfordness. (Monument)
  • World War One prisoner of war camp, Orfordness. (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jun 10 2016 4:13PM

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