Number of records found: 317
Monument record: MRM 251 Heath, Martlesham (Monument)Common, visible 1880s
Monument record: MRM 085 Possible World War II trench or air raid shelter. (Monument)Possible World War II trench or air raid shelter near Martlesham Hall
Monument record: WBG 033 Curvilinear arrangement of posts of unknown date and function, Martlesham Creek (Monument)Curvilinear arrangement of posts of unknown date and function, Martlesham Creek
Monument record: MRM 079 Post Medieval sea bank. (Monument)A Post Medieval sea bank, Martlesham.
Monument record: MRM 081 Probable Post Medieval quarry pit. (Monument)A probable Post Medieval quarry pit to the west of Lumber Wood, Martlesham
Monument record: WLD 057 A small ring ditch of unknown, though probably modern date, is visible as an earthwork on Martlesham Heath. (Monument)A small ring ditch of unknown, though probably modern date, is visible as an earthwork on Martlesham Heath.
Monument record: MRM 113 Probable Medieval or Post Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)Probable field boundaries of possible medieval or post-medieval date can be seen on aerial photographs as cropmarks to the north of Beaconhill Farm, Martlesham parish.
Monument record: MRM 114 Post Medieval ditch or landscaped gulley containing a footpath or boundary. (Monument)A broad ditch or landscaped gulley may be visible on aerial photographs containing a footpath or boundary, possibly a park pale, associated with the early 19th century house, Beaconhill House, Martlesham parish.
Monument record: MRM 038 Martlesham Mill; Mill Farm (Monument)Site of `Martlesham Mill' shown on 1st edition circa 1838 (S1) and on 1880s OS maps.
Monument record: MRM 075 Series of Roman ditches, Martlesham Park and Ride (Rom) (Monument)Series of Roman ditches forming small enclosures or fields.